birdmad without a dream... 020226
carne de metal without a love... 020226
blasco without a song... 020226
trixie now I'm no longer alone...

without a dream
in my heart...

without a
of my
hetaira july.

will you hear me calling
from the far side of the sky?
u24 I found out exactly what a blue_moon is.

it's the second full moon in a month, which happens (i think) about once every two and a half years.
newme yes. and it's coming soon.


it can also be the third full moon in a season of a year of thirteen.

"When is the Moon "blue," in a calendrical sense? According to the Maine almanac, a Blue Moon occurs when a season has four full Moons, rather than the usual three. This type of Blue Moon is found only in February, May, August, and November, one month before the next equinox or solstice. According to modern folklore, a Blue Moon is the second full Moon in a calendar month. This type of Blue Moon can occur in any month but February, which is always shorter than the time between successive full Moons"
newme "...At last we have the "Maine rule" for Blue Moons: Seasonal Moon names are assigned near the spring equinox in accordance with the ecclesiastical rules for determining the dates of Easter and Lent. The beginnings of summer, fall, and winter are determined by the dynamical mean Sun. When a season contains four full Moons, the third is called a Blue Moon.

Why is the third full Moon identified as the extra one in a season with four? Because only then will the names of the other full Moons, such as the Moon Before Yule and the Moon After Yule, fall at the proper times relative to the solstices and equinoxes..."
-same link as above
newme see also:

it has a nice blue background and blue moon calendars
u24 my brother has a poster with all the moon phases for this year laid out on it. wantone. :) 040715
inconstantmoon "...Blue moons, by this formula, happen roughly once every three years. February, being the only month shorter than a lunation, is the only month in which it is possible for there to be no full moon, a phenomenon which goes hand-in-hand with the "double blue moon" (usually one in January and one in March)...This formula is usually quoted as a piece of ancient folklore, and it does appear to tie in with genuinely old naming conventions for full moons. However, when Philip Hiscock of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Folklore and Language Archive explored the history of this usage of the term he found no reference older than a few decades!

In a remarkable series of investigations, he and Sky and Telescope writers Donald Olson, Roger Sinnott and Richard Tresch Feinberg traced the origins of the phrase and discovered (no doubt with a mixture of amusement and embarrassment) that it stemmed from an error in their own magazine some 50 years before..."
newme If they say the moon is blue,
We must believe that it is true.
REAListic optimIST On the cusp of a blue moon, fit to burn past cinders a decade's worth of abusive relationships between the people of the world and themselves, those few fierce souls who had withstood the onslaught of avarice and shame stepped into the moonlight and began to make preparations for the dawn 091229
Ouroboros Step into the new 091230
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who go