n o m e e forgot the song that was coming to me today when i was biking / can't sleep yet / want to reschedule my morning appointment 101104
n o m e e verify, verify words says you blather 101104
n o m e e i called to reschedule, actually i called yesterday but their office wasn't open, so i called this morning, and the receptionist got a little upset with me, and hesitated to give me another date, and now i feel bad, i just didn't feel up to going in, but maybe i should've /// ahhhhhh now i am upset and till awake instead of resting so i should've gone. i don't want to have pain and i don't want to deal with it sometimes 101104
n o m e e still feel bad/ still need sleep and still a little overwhelmed 101104
n o m e e and curious to see if this morning's review is in print but probably not and wondering why i'm letting stuff affect me so much 101104
n o m e e i should've rescheduled it sooner or just have gone and i shouldn't feel bad for hours and i shouldn't use all these shouldn'ts 101104
n o m e e and should'ves 101104
n o m e e and shouldn't'ves 101104
n o m e e time to smoke a joint and go back to sleep 101104
n o m e e wake up in pain and and tired and wonder why you slept and wonder why you rescheduled your appointment, and life. apparently my picture is in the paper now for the next week, i still wrestle a little with that photo, because there were other ones in the shoot i liked more, this was the i thought i looked fat in and it's old now but it's one of our only 300dpi's so i guess that's why they chose it, so i got to be ok with it. actually happy to be written about, again. the other day was written about in hebrew too i think that was a first and very cool. 101104
re_alisma everything will be okay. super duper even. so: nom. were you born before or after Aug 27, 1984? or maybe even on that date. just wondering about something Pluto-y and where Pluto-good times were for you, and if maybe they're still happening. i kind of get the gut feeling that they are..... because, for one, i'm totally stoked to hear that your picture is in the paper! truly.

i always feel like sleeping all the time in the late fall. i'm wondering if the full spectrum light will help. or perhaps hiding from all light helps even more. to light or not to light (not marijuana) that is a dilemma.

so Aug 27, 1984, fore or aft? i'm finding it to be a "burning question." i can't tell if you're a Libra generation or a Scorpio generation, is the thing, and my own Uranus is a little too close, is what i fear.
harglaglarglar harglaglarglar 101105
what's it to you?
who go