maria between_wrong_and_right 040202
refleciive bird there's where i drifted left_of_center

there i was then, blurring_the_edges

(..."that's me in the spotlight, losing my religion")
endless desire changes make my stomach turn
in loops and circles
as though my insides latched
themselves onto a mental
rollercoaster and had a field
day in my middles. around
in endless circles&loops,
twists&turns. and if you
think changes are bad
imagine these memories
and their impact. i ask
him 'WHY?' i had to know.
because he was suppose to
be there to protect me
and care for me. but
instead... (maybe i ought
not mention these things.
these aren't the type of
things you share with the
world, or atleast that's
what the cold women told
me. she told me to keep
my lips together and walk
through the world with a
little pride) i asked him.
needed, wanted, longed to
know. he said he didn't
think of me as his sister
at the time. he was out
of control. he gave in.


i wanted him to tell me a
good reason. i reason that
would satisfy me, such as,
"there was man behind me
with a gun to my head
saying i had to touch you
so softly..." but it's ok
i suppose. it's ok. it's
ok. what an honest answer.
attraction. plain and simple.
lust. but then..., "you
wouldn't have done that to
any other girls?" because
he was wholesome and respect-
ful. or at least, from
what i know, he is. he was
shaking all over. i knew how
miserable he felt to look
back on this. a year feels
like mountains ago.
but i urge him to continue,
his body shaking. i don't
shake, instead i dig my nails
into my thumbs until i
feel them start to bleed.
pain entangles me in comfort.
he half shakingly yells.
"what can i say, ellyn?
that i didn't care about you?
that i cared about you less?
i don't know at all. but
you just have to know
how much i care about you now."
something like that.
he was shaking a lot and
everything feels fuzzy from
that night. like a big
circle of ideas, a swirl
of colours, blots and twists.

and i think of these differences
and the things we used to think
were unspeakable. but now
each one sneaks to the open,
floats to the surface, and then
crumbles each painful slit
of broken that come down like rain.
and now im bleeding
and now im dying
and you can't see
because im hiding.

these days are so awkward, i want to scream.
unhinged how do respect and forgiveness coincide? 180702
what's it to you?
who go