maria i_walk_in_the_air 040202
endless desire the lines used to be blurred
with excuses and tiny lies
but now it's black and white.
the grey's dance out the window
and we're left with the
sharpest truth our eyes can bear.
:_) torn between the two worlds
i do have words for someone
i am not supposed to
blather/cheat with
but for now.....

do you have words?
(no, nevermind, i have nothing to say.)
oldephebe still gushing out those gems from your souls citadel - these are warm thoughts on a winters night ed...okay so maybe not comforting still sing in a perfectly original key
Christ without the cross Secrets destroy relationships. Eventually they fill up so much space that you can't have an open conversation anymore. you can't talk to your wife. You can't talk to your husband. You can't talk to your best friend. Secrets. Half truths. Omissions. Will it ever really bring about good relationships. We are so afraid to stir the water than we can't even tell the truth about ourselves. We can't tell the truth about eachother.

Will it ever bring about peace? has it? We can claim that we are protecting the person but are we? Aren't we really protecting ourselves? Perhaps its both (most things in life are). It is a part of life stuck between right and wrong, this business of telling lies. How are we protecting a person by denying them the truth without even asking them? How are we helping them to grow by keeping them in ignorance. How can you ever have a real relationship when so much space is filled with what you cannot say.

I am a hypocrite. I am honest but i am not completely honest. Hopefully i can change that.
what's it to you?
who go