Clarey you think you've escaped it & then it hits you in the face again- odd.

I think I'll never escape from this whole self loathing cycle. It's a problem when you love to hurt yourself, when you go to any length, even hurting those closest to you in an effort to wound yourself, when you think you're numb to self infliction, you inflict it on your best friend & you see him crumble & snap back, That's the worst pain I've ever encountered.

Yes, I love to hurt myself, but I hate to hurt him. Thus hurting myself.

These scars will never heal, but you can't see them. I laugh about all the others littering my body, but the wounds won't heal on the inside.

I've been so close. Why do I persist in knocking myself back?

I love to do it... it's an infatuation. One day I will learn to cope, one day I may learn not to do it.

One day I will forget the twisted pleasure in watching myself fall tim & time again xx
ashmanzhou hating thyself in thy own loathing
sorrows thy self more than thy situation
a self same inanity of your own madness
inquire thyself and find not what
thyself has seen fit to find before
look past tainted dreamings and hated
self loathings and find the void which
is truly worth thou attentions
and scourge it with your hate as it
is the only thing within thee worth
not dying for
Kurt i miss the comfort
in being sad
Strideo I love the "i hate myself and i want to die" T-shirt on engrish.com its so bright and cheery! It reminds me of rainbow bright.
. . 040908
daxle i have that shirt! it's the best but it confuses some people and others don't see why it's funny. 040908
falling_alone like the boy who cried wolf. 040908
anne-girl I just saw that shirt yesterday, I want it 040908
nemo kurt cobain 040909
anne-girl i hate being bitchy to people
because i'm effing selfish
and don't care about anybody else
buut i'm tired...
please leavve me alone?
monee i think this to myself daily
but then i think
and thankfully,
the second thought always wins
endless desire i don't even bother to live my life
it's more like a few hours at a time:
a few moments at a time.

but for right now,
i'm glad to say
jane why does it always happen now? 071205
unhinged i just finished reading heavier_than_heaven and i cried because i always thought i would go through the same thing with frank 090628
what's it to you?
who go