jennifer everyone online knows everyone else
like 6_degrees and shit
it's odd
I was diaryland surfing
and saw splinken's name on a random guestbook
it's coolness
een stomme kind well, when i first came, everyone seemed to know everyone. and yeah, it sucked being new and not knowing anyone. oh well. i still dont know anyone. 030318
minnesota_chris all you have to do is respond to what someone writes, either here or by email.

Or, alternately, tell your friends and get them on here! haha
jane i say no to the latter suggestion 030318
minnesota_chris do you want to keep blather small, jane?

I actually disagree with the notion of making friends here (even though I do it at every opportunity). I think the best Blather writing is able to be appreciated by all, not just little cute messages to each other, or inside jokes.

That said, I'm off to write some cute messages to blatherers...
unhinged there is no way that you can't make friends here. if someone is using blather as their diary, poetry journal, vent, then bound up in all the truth and even in the fiction there is stuff that help us all identify with each other. some of my best friends are my blather_friends because they see parts of me that i don't show anyone else. 030318
User24 very well said, unhinged. 030426
joda That's a pretty cool way to look at it. 030426
endless desire yeah i remember being kind of down on that when i first got here. it seemed like one big world that i couldn't fit into.

then i realized i shouldn't care so much about fitting in. that's not why i've spent so many hours everyday staring at a blue screen. ((i type because i feel)) not because i'm looking for more friends. though, the friends are a plus. i'm sure i have a couple around here somewhere! :)

runs off to make more blather_friends.
andru235 most people know each other,
some would say.
most people recognize everyone else,
they have been reading people magazine.

here i am world!
they chant gregorianly,
it is "un chanson du galliardment"
or some harmonious bullshit like that
yeah dude thats fuckin' awesome
what a fuckin' fauxbourdon, bro.
IGG i don't feel that i've made friends here
sounds callous. hmm.
maybe i should rephrase.
i use blather to vent, to spill out secrets that are begging to be told.
i use blather to feel connected to people
but noe so connected that i feel i have a responsibility, like i do with my friends in 'real life'
it doesn't matter if i don't post here for while, i'm not neglecting people, etc.
you get the idea.
it's nice that people can make friends here,
but i feel a kind of acceptance here
even if it's anonymous, psychological or whatever, i feel like i belong here.
i can kid myself for a while that i belong to an elite society, a site full of inspirational writers
because that's what you all are to me.

i like to think that maybe i can make an impact here too, which lets me escape the feelings of worthlessness and powerlessness that i experience outside this microcosm.
it's not a way to make friends, for me.
just a place where i can be myself.

sometimes that's more important than friendship.
Why NOT ? 051221
Given Bush_and_Saddam_shared_a_common_ancestor_'w_proof'... 051221
what's it to you?
who go