epitome of incomprehensibility A dialogue made of half_asleep_thoughts. All half_asleep_thoughts remain the property of their respective owners.

unhinged: is it bad that i prefer to be alone?

raze: we could pretend to be bothered, but that would be disingenuous.

no reason: something like, "she could pass off the tutu mop as a camera."

raze: strip the devil from the details.

unhinged: he doesn't really care

e_o_i: There is always the possibility of war or embarrassment.

raze: what's the truest, most impossible thing?

gja: Hammock.

unhinged: why the fuck am i awake right now?

Lovers Lament: I wake at weird times...

no reason: "the weirdest! okay bye"

raze: up top, lollipop.
down low, daddy-o.

this stain in my eye, this magnified light

flowerock: I can make anything behind my eyes! ... sea anemones with sunsets inside! (of each wiggly tendril thing)

e_o_i: I have to get purple beads for the gay pride parade!

raze: i'll bring you back a water buffalo, or seventeen tarantulas.

unhinged: form is emptiness
emptiness is form

raze: more than half of it belongs to me.

on second thought, i think exactly half of it is mine.

on third thought, that can't be right. it's actually only 46% of it that belongs to me. so i'm not majority owner after all.

e_o_i: "coperty status" means how much something belongs to you. Because things can partly belong to you and partly not.

If 7 = "plagiarist"
and 17 = "bisexual virgin"
27 = ?

gja: Hammock.

unhinged: surprise surprise

raze: that can't be right. all heroes are dead, except for the ones we invent for ourselves.

no reason: i came up with the word (non-word?) "populationship."

e_o_i: Maria Tharpleworth, Edgecombe, Cody Banks. (I thought the last was an actor's name but it's a movie.)

raze: "gotta sing to simply sing" and "snap dog" are not good movie titles.

e_o_i: What's a good name for a death metal band?

gja: Hammock.

raze: that can't be right. but i'd kind of like to hear someone say or sing "i'm gonna floss that man right outa my teeth", just once.

e_o_i: A tourist asks: why are all of Carly Rae Jepsen's songs referred to as "customs"? As in her CD, The Collected Customs of Carly Rae Jepsen.

raze: something about a "lackluster heart".

unhinged: every time you show someone your heart they run away from you

flowerock: should I stay inside or run outside?

raze: don't do that.

e_o_i: You can't just be a ninja nowadays.

raze: how could anyone ever drive a truck made out of solid gold?

e_o_i: Fullmetal Alchemist looks like Montreal.

raze: toe terminator.

gja: Hammock.

unhinged: what if i woke up next to you instead of chat messages from you?

e_o_i: no oral sex jokes and everybody leaves happy.

flowerock: just a giant sidewalk_dentist

e_o_i: My tooth still tastes like metal. I can't think of any metals with obscure names. Except for titanium and Sia already has a song called that.

raze: life is a washing machine set on a demonic spin cycle.

gja: Hammock.
e_o_i Here is an alternate ending. This one lines up better.


e_o_i: no oral sex jokes and everybody leaves happy.

raze: but i'd kind of like to hear someone say or sing "i'm gonna floss that man right outa my teeth", just once.

flowerock: just a giant sidewalk_dentist

e_o_i: No construction jokes, even better.

raze: if judges lived up to their names, there would never be any controversies.

(what does that even mean?)

e_o_i: it will mean the money will go to Mali and not to Senegal.

no reason: did you grow up in a european envelope?

e_o_i: if you pretended it was "ass fixation"... you could imagine being smothered by a butt.

gja: Hammock.
nr this made me laugh out loud on a plane 180127
unhinged .

raze ::: applause :::

early contender for "blathe of the year" right here. so funny. so good.
e_o_i Oh, thanks. :)

I was thinking, "Okay, what random crap did I do when I was tired?"
e_o_i raze: there's no guarantee if you fall asleep early it'll stay good sleep.

nr: there is a live makeup, but of course it doesn't sell.

raze: no, no, no. it's a good way to make money.

nr: i mean, i don't make a million dollars every time i wake up.

raze: i make a hundred and eighty bucks an hour.

e_o_i: Oh, god of too much of yourself...

raze: basic goddening.

nr: i have a confusion to make.

raze: how many prayers do we have?

nr: ask your brown church.

e_o_i: A smaller version of the dog is darker brown, because more condensed.

nr: it's comic genius having a dog with us.

raze: dogs are okay... i feel for the other species as the series starts to show the fourth wall divided.

e_o_i: I'm "action kitten" in this tagline system.

nr: i think we are all ready for an adventure taskbar!

raze: i know you are, but e_o_i?

e_o_i: Ich habe zu viele Hausaufgaben gegessen.

raze: zie perglish splur

e_o_i: Knock, knock! What's your *actual* language?

raze: well, when i started out, there was no musician quiet range. we moved through the straw.

nr: composers or composters?

raze: both savage and distressing milestones.

nr: turn labs are where it's at.

raze: just for a second, she twists into a turn.

e_o_i: He twisted twice in overtime.

nr: like a furnace chair!

raze: the fire that burns in me, i carry it around like a planet.

nr: does everybody have these airborne shoes on?

raze: what makes you think i could cut it out?

nr: medieval ankles.

raze: oh, wimbledon. oh, win a wild shoe.

nr: they were distinguished running shoes, so it was mostly... a death.

raze: i was gonna ask you to make a joke.

nr: i've got a shirt on; his name is death.

raze: okay, i think i'm dead. i'm stunned too. let's eat.

nr: i will erase your food.

raze: what are you doing? it's theft. it's photography for fruit flies.

nr: gotta put these perspectives back in the fridge!

raze: that was her magic, ladies and gentlemen.

e_o_i: She's a vice president of American English.

raze: you're an american spaniel. deal with it.

e_o_i: I am *not* an ant with a C2 feature.

raze: you're trying to build animals with a force that can't be swayed.

past: small_animals.

nr: words of prey.

raze: our power remains in our words, in multiple bagel slingshots.

e_o_i: Not "Latin X" like Tocharian B.

raze: that's either a chorus or it's really, really bad. can i get some more?

e_o_i: For people who want it all, who are on a roll, there's Vedic English.

raze: how many more languages at language point?

nr: 50? like you meet on the subway on them, so it's small cement?

raze: and all i can ignite along the way is proof that we probably don't pray every day for the same reasons.
raze (how you managed to make this feel like an organic conversation is beyond me. more applause, and small cement for all, i say!) 240201
what's it to you?
who go