thwa i like your name. i worked with a young man at the ski school this winter whose name was sunomen. he said his parents named him that because they thought the sun was a good omen. he was hippy boy from hawaii who moved to pennsylvania. he taught snowboarding to children. he helped me pack up all of my clown show gear. 140604
flowerock sunomen, I like it! thanks, glad you like flowerock . I am named after the flowering bushes of heather and the stone jade. I like my name, my dad tells me how I was concieved in a vw bus on a beach in San_Francisco then named after a flower and a precious stone, I love my dad. Clown gear huh? Sounds like a fun gig! We love clowns : ) thanks for spreading the fun and love of laughter. I try to when I can, too. 140604
raze i love what you wrote on "glasses". i went through a similar phase of not being able to see what was on the chalkboard and figuring out i needed glasses, but for me it was more about liking how they changed the way i looked. they sharpened what was blurry, but i didn't notice the beauty i'd been missing the way you did. maybe i wasn't wise enough to see it. 150712
flowerock Thanks : ) I was alone a lot growing up, an only child and lived at the edge of town. I spent a lot of time observing the desert ground and sky by myself, imagining that the near by birds and critters were my friendly company and I a guest in their home. I used to be kind of neat, now I'm kind of dull in comparison. I always wanted to remain and grow to be someone that the old(young?) Me would love to be... in some ways I am, in some ways I'm stillearning.
I like your writing too, I don't usually say so because it would get redundant to say so on everything you blathe : P
flowerock Thanks : ) I was alone a lot growing up, an only child and lived at the edge of town. I spent a lot of time observing the desert ground and sky by myself, imagining that the near by birds and critters were my friendly company and I a guest in their home. I used to be kind of neat, now I'm kind of dull in comparison. I always wanted to remain and grow to be someone that the old(young?) Me would love to be... in some ways I am, in some ways I'm stillearning.
I like your writing too, I don't usually say so because it would get redundant to say so on everything you blathe : P
raze happy birthday to thee. :) 160224
flowerock. Aw, Thanks! I had a great birthday : ) 160226
epitome of incomprehensibility Happy yesterday birthday! Many happy returns of the day! (What does that phrase mean, anyway? It a "return" like a greeting or is it just a roundabout way of wishing someone a long life?) 160227
nr a happy belated from me as well! 160228
raze (happy birthday yesterday.) 230225
raze i came here to say what i said a year ago. i was a little surprised to see i'd already had that same thought. memory is a slippery thing. and i'm a day late again.

you haven't been here in years, but you always struck me as having a kind soul. though you'll most likely never see this, i hope you had a good birthday, and i hope you're doing well.
what's it to you?
who go