flux mediocrity is an iterative metagame.

level 0 mediocrity:
you need:
a set of numbers (say, 1 - 50)
3 players

each player picks a number. the one that picked the middle number wins. if there is no clear winner, play until there is one.

level 1 mediocrity:
you need:
a number n (usually small, say, 5)
a series of level 0 mediocrity games

players play n games of level 0 mediocrity. the player who wins the middle number of level 0 games wins. if there is no clear winner after n rounds, play until one is.

level N (N > 1) mediocrity:
you need:
a number m (usually small)
a series of level N - 1 mediocrity games

players play m games of level N -1 mediocrity. the player who wins the middle number of level N - 1 games wins. if there is no clear winner after m rounds, play until there is one.


there are other potential rules and generalizations. i usually like to restrict the number that a player of level 1 mediocrity can choose to the set of numbers that player has not already chosen. this prevents someone from just picking 1 or 50 over and over again.
it is easy to generalize the game to allow more than 3 players. just choose some middle place as the winning place.


note: each iteration takes exponentially more time than the previous round.
no reason not terrible, but can be terribly hard to move away from 140109
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