You find yourself standing just inside a bath house overlooking a crowded swimming lake. Hundreds of people are sunbathing on the sandy shore. Hundreds more are swimming in the 2½ acre former-rock-quarry-turned-swimming-pool lake. To your right, at one end of the large peanut-shaped lake, is a huge, 20-foot wide waterfall. A few teenage boys are playing under it. You step out and a rush of sounds start up instantaneously. You were ready for it though, so it didn't surprise you. Two kids run by and you smell the Coppertone lotion. A Frisbee lands at your feet. You pick it up and flip it back to a boy who is yelling at you. It goes over his head and he runs after it. A nearby transistor radio is playing a jingle: "W-A-K-Y! Wacky radio!" Then you hear a disc jockey, "Gary Burbank here! You want hits? You got 'em!" "Get Back" by the Beatles begins playing. Directly in front of you is the diving well. Lines are formed at both spring boards. A short boy of about nine years old is about to jump off the lower board, which is about six feet up from the water. "Hey, Scotty! Scotty! Watch!" he yells to someone below, then he jumps and grabs one knee to perform a "can opener." You walk to the edge and see a tall splash jetting straight up in the air coupled with a deep, underwater boom that means the dive was executed well. The boy surfaces and swims to the railing. He and a friend swim away to another area of the lake. You walk over and down some concrete steps to get closer. A conversation is underway between the two boys. "No way. You'll never do it" says the taller one. "She'll never know who it was. I'll zip in, squeeze one, and zip away. I can do this." The two look over toward the diving well. You're not sure who they're looking at. The smaller boy swims off. He's headed for the far side of the diving well, which is surrounded by light blue painted metal rails connected to stone and concrete columns that extend to the rock floor of the lake. You go back up the steps and head over to the diving boards to see what he's up to. You look for him, but you can't find him. Several minutes go by, but you still don't see him. Suddenly, there's a commotion near the railing. A beautiful blond girl in a bikini is yelling and thrashing around in the water. She appears to be about 18 or 19 years old. It soon becomes clear that she's dunking someone repeatedly. She keeps yelling angrily while her victim is trying to get away. It's the boy. Finally, the girl stops and the boy grabs the rail, gasping for breath. She yells at him some more, then leaves the pool. A lot of people have gathered around. There's quite a bit of laughing. The boy keeps coughing, but after a minute you think you see him smile for just a second. There's another commotion as an orange light grows right behind you. People scatter quickly and you turn and step through.
what's it to you?