foolish girl who i am. all that i am b/c of how i play my own heart. for thinking i could be more to someone i am not more to. for dwelling on my feelings of an unrequited lover's kiss. 001113
Inanna masturbating
walking backwards
towards the edge of an unseen cliff
with rapids below
that is the symbolism of a fool
silentbob not even thinking how badly he's going to hurt you like he did everyone else in the past 011105
Sonya Even though you were reluctant, you believed everything he said. You accepted each laugh and smile as if they were real. When he said those three words...'I love you' you felt as though they were truly meant. You felt as though they could endure anything. When he asked you not to walk away you stayed for him. When he cried because he thought he was losing you, you cried too. When he hurt you the first time, even though he didnt mean to, you deliberately tried to forget about it. You're a foolish girl. Now why is it that I find myself staring into a mirror? 011106
oh no not me me me me, this is me. oh well, oh well, oh well. maybe someday i'll learn? nah.... 011106
Casey You can't see that he loves you. Instead you fuck and take advantage of everyone else and him. 011107
sabbie and this was her first job and she lives at home with her parents and first she died her hair black and last week she got her belly pierced and she showed november and said 'do you have yours done too?' and november stared at her and said 'no. theyre too common for my tastes' but that didnt stem her enthusiasim. and today she came to work with a tiny red rose tattooed on her shoulder and her shirt pinned up to keep it away from the fresh-and-still-bleeding tattoo and she gestured to it and said 'i know it looks dumb, but...' and i think she thought she was talking about her shirt but i knew what she was subconsiously talking about and i wanted to leap out from behind my computer, leads trailing and lunge at her, grabbing her by the throat and scream 'YES!!! YES IT FUCKING DOES! HAVE YOU NO ORIGINALITY??????????'

but i settled instead to inscribing blue screens with words about foolish young girls with too much disposable income amd dreaming of ten years time when she will get plastic surgery and there will be a magazine article in some 10 cent rag about a woman who has become invisible cos she looks jsut like everybody else...
sabbie .:sighs:. i guess some days im jsut old_and_cynical.

and some days i can sit on the porch in my old rocking chair with my shawl around my thin sholders and remember the excitment of my first experements with body modification
what's it to you?
who go