MollyGoLightly so i've started drinking during the day, now?

kim with vodka, sunny-d, and a splash of rose grenadine
on the rocks
Santos vodka, yes

and a bit of seven up and grenadine and a little cranberry-raspberry cocktail

we called it the Red Menace

and got hammered
emily blackberry schnapps tastes like cough syrup....yet, i still kept doing shots... 000713
kim eeewww 000713
Miniatus if peach schnapps was the only thing I drank I would be ok. it is the wiskey that usually does me in 000713
klarchen Bartender: And what would you like?

Me: Water, I am just waiting for a table, on the patio.

Bartender: Water? No. I will make you something special, ok?
(joyously mixes drink)

Me: (thinking inside of head) Hmmn, I hope it has stawberries in it.

Bartender: (returns with pretty drink) Voila, what do you think?

Me: (sips drink)
Reverend Lough caused my first liquor induced regurgitation. 021215
shirley With some sprite! Yummy! But comes with a warning: can lead to unprotected sex. 021215
jane mmm fuzzy navel

(not me)
melted plastic your friend. my neighbour.

one_day the index finger morphed into a firearm. proof positive that, sometimes, you really can get what you want. insert into mouth.

the full spectrum of available colour, but so much more. no high quite compares. vision and caving in on itself and blurred and nothing.

ClairE burping peach Use fresh and ripe peaches - organic if possible - when you make this schnapps. You can use any variety.

Peel 12 medium size peaches (easy if you first dip them into boiling water for 30-60 seconds and cool them in cold water).

Remove the stones and cut the fruits in quarters.

Put them in a clean glass jar with tight-fitting lid.

Cover with clear, neutral vodka - 40% (80 proof).

Let steep for 1-2 months in a dark place at room temperature. Shake lightly and taste it from time to time.

Strain and filter your infusion into a clean glass bottle or jar with tight-fitting lid.

Store for a month or so in a dark place at room temperature. Taste it from time to time. Can be stored up to eight months.
If necessary, dilute your schnapps with the same type of vodka you used as base. Leave it a couple of days to settle.

Serve your peach schnapps at room temperature - in suitable drinking glasses.
misstree ClairE, sharing the steps of that process makes today almost as good as christmas. one of the goffs in town used to always make different cordials (i believe it's the same thing), and i've wanted to know how for quite some time...

fruity booze that isn't pure syrup, here i come...
a new dreamer almost
but not quite.

i only tease because i know you had no condoms.
if you'd have had them, i would have smacked you for being so assuming.
then i would have left.

either way
we stay notquitefuckbuddies
and avoid each other the rest of the time, until next holidays.
arwyn And orange juice
For your daily vitamin c
And you drink it all up
what's it to you?
who go