andie written 1-20-01

this comfort is so easy to feel
while i try to deny to myself
that THIS could truly come to be
what i've been looking for
thoughts on the table
i'm "silent" no more
but still there's more
i'd like to say
it's all building up inside
feeling you can read my thoughts
watching how i phrase things
guarding our conversations
so they don't drift to where
they were the other night
when i was left to ponder
as i laid awake in my bed
trying to keep myself
behind this wall
you keep breaking down
no matter how many times
i attempt to rebuild it
your eyes shock me
each time they meet mine
there's something HERE
i'm not accustomed to
but you calm me down
this comfort is so easy to feel

copyright 2001
sabbie underneath my eyeballs
are yesterdays coffee stains
unhinged when i stopped drinking the coffee at dennys is when i started to smile again 010315
the swinger of birches i thought i'd look
and look
and look
for that something that you gave me
that little message scribbled on that napkin
on that night
all coffee stained and crumpled
like those things that we forget
i left it in a pocket somewhere
in some pair of jeans
in which i can't remember
i'd left it alone
in some cozy nook of fabric
maybe underneath the bed
in which is sleep and sleep
and sleep
becuase sometimes the sun fails to rise
on those days that you're away
i read kerouac last night
that paper lamp pool of light
and then felt the wave rise inside
something covetting
for something lost
i felt that red of longing well
in giant white capped waves
for that hand i wanted to hold so bad
"so in america when the sun goes down...i think of dean mariorty, i even think of the old dean mariorty, the one we never found, i think of dean mariorty."
Shugarhi My mom leaves them on the counter with her spoon in the mornings...

Another reason I don't like her...
TalviFatin Why is it that most old photos from my grandmother's attic have nasty coffee stains on them? It's strange. Goes for the old important documents too. Almost like she "stamped" them with her signature coffee staining mug. 011023
Strideo An excellent way to waste your time.

what's it to you?
who go