His jealousy far outpaced any voyeuristic curiosity he might have ever had about wondering what making love to her looked like from an outisder's perspective. Every thrust was more torque on the twisting knife in his heart. When she breathlessly whispered "I love you." to the man inside her, it went through him like a bullet. "Okay," he said, loudly, angrily, stifling tears, "god damn it, that's it, that's all i can take." They both gasped so hard at the sudden shock of his exclamation that they could have spontaneously sucked all the air out of the room. "How am I supposed to believe you now? How can you lay any claim to giving even faintest trace of a damn about us, about me, when you pull some bullshit like this?" "But I do," she said, with the same coy indignance she had use to protest her innocence when his suspicions began. "For fuck's sake, spare me the shit, will you? You've haven't been able to make up your mind whether or not to keep this a secret so you've waffled between trying to be sly and rubbing my nose in it ever since this started. "and you, pal," he said, pointing to the other man, "you've been part of this game as well, dropping hints here-and-there and then trying to be slick and unnoticed. I didn't like you much before all this started, and you can be damn sure that dislike is just the tip of the iceberg now, motherfucker." Naked, the guy sprung off the bed and lunged at him, only to have his progress stopped in midair by a right hook to the mouth. He had broken one of the guy's teeth, but the tooth had caught a knuckle and there was a big bloody scrape on his fist. "Ha! Isn't that just par for the course, you wound me again." "Well," he said, "you won't get anymore satisfaction from me. I'm out of here, see you in hell." "But..." she started - "But nothing," he cut her off, "Fuck you, darling, and fuck you too, smiley," he said mockingly at the naked guy still holding his hand over his bloody mouth. With that, he backed up toward the door, built up as much steam as he could, and jumped out of her second-story bedroom window, shattering the bedroom window and landing on the roof of what he had determined to be the other guy's car, caving in the roof and blowing out the windows. He sprained his right ankle and cracked his left foot in three places when he landed. The pain shot upward through his legs like bolts of lightning, but even as he drove himself to the emergency room, he couldn't help but laugh through the tears that the combined pains of his shattered heart and impact-ravaged legs had brought forth. FINIS
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and then...... and then.... hmm.
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"His jealousy far outpaced any voyeuristic curiosity he might have ever had about wondering what making love to her looked like from an outsider's perspective. " Was that what it was like for you, or the opposite, or neither, or both. It's still unreal you did this. And that I could forgive you so readily.
what's it to you?