kookaburra i really do think that i am the youngest one 14 040327
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl im 14 too 040327
critic hey - and it shows. so you don't have to worry about it. 040327
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl it shows?
does my immaturity scream? *grins and sticks her tongue out*
critic seriously...don't worry about it. 040327
kookaburra wow, critic, shut up 040407
peyton I think you just proved his point. 040408
ethereal In all honesty all ages are prone to saying shut up Peyton. 040408
Just_On_Monday I am a young blatherer...not all that young actually, but younger. I think it is sensational for young people to write on this. For expressing themselves, reading about other people who are expressing themselves, and they also get to hear about the shit they have to deal with when they get older (so they can learn early to say fuck it and get over it). 040709
dudeinanigloo What do you define as young? If that means younger than the legal definition of adulthood, which is being 18 or older, then I am a young blatherer. However, the social definition of adulthood stretches about 5-10 years after the legal definition. So if the latter is the definition of young blatherers, then that covers a lot more people. 040710
Jess According to everyone here, I am one!
I presumed everyone on Blather must be young, surely you adults have something better to do!
Though, some "mood ring" or something, called me "new" so I think by title I am a young blatherer!
wcw age doesn't matter anyway
we are just random letters
and words
on a blue screen
you don't matter
and i don't matter
and age doesn't matter
Jess Harsh!
I hope I do matter!
And I'm sure you do matter!
It matters to me you blathered below me!
ha ha! I win again!
young pretender i call myself young
if only for my naivete
for my wish to remain young
no ties
no responsibilities
no worries?

'young' evokes connotations of innocence, freshness, a clear, black-and-white view of the world. nice.
too young to know crap when they read it 041129
vanilla it just means i'm confused... not innocent 041129
fix 041129
Pedo Phil Pink and juicy and ripe for grooming. Who am I really when I'm being nice to you? 050107
no reason can't forget emotionally_young_blatherers 050107
blown cherry I doubt such thing exists any more... 121224
FA113N I started to blathe at 16. I'm 25 now... 121225
falling_alone Oh my. 15, now 25... How time flys, how I've changed. How my writing feels like it hasn't! 130127
in a silent way from 17 to 29. jesus.

a lot of us have kind of grown up here...or if not up, at least in some sideways or diagonal direction. the permanence of it all is both a little frightening, and oddly reassuring. it's leaning more in the latter direction for me these days.

some of the most incredible, moving, and thought-provoking things i've ever read here were written by 'skites who were teenagers at the time. just goes to show that a distinctive voice with a meaningful arsenal of things to say doesn't necessarily come with age; sometimes it's there right from the start.
what's it to you?
who go