farmfish there is a thread running through her fingers, around his waist, up her arm, over his head, around her breasts, behind his legs, through her jeans, behind his ass, gathered around her feet, and when it comes to you, fucking pass it. 011219
ClairE What if I don't. 011219
farmfish you will because you are very cool. if you don't then i say, "pooh on you!" but if you change your mind, we'll pass it to you. 011219
ClairE Are you sure it's not "poo_on_u"? That is what my friend Anthony always threatens me with.

Of course I would love to pass it. You totally called me on that one, dude. I just wanted to see what would happen.

I always push it.
farmfish i'm not sure about the pooh situation,
i would be saying it to you anyway,ClairE dahlin' but looks like i won't be now and for that i'm very glad. this thread shit came from a dream i had last night. all this crazy ass stuff i was finding and scribbling in my journal and i was stoked to get out of the dream so i could read it all, but fucK! i woke up to nothing but one thing...

pass the thread.

why? rye ron't row. so i made sumpfyn up.
ClairE What do you call a dream?

Life is what we make of it. That's why our outlook and actions have impact, and why we make choices.
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge di dant day
rye rou ront row

ro rell...*shrugs shoulders* rut ra roing ra ro
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge the hallucination you are breathing
is your finger weaving creation.
it is your perception
of *your* reality
that *you* can
at anytyme.

you have the supremacy to generate hell,
you have the influence to fashion heaven.

Why not dream a dissimilar dream?
Why not exploit your mind,
your imagination,
and your emotions,
to dream heaven?
sabbie i had an amazing dream last night, but when i awoke, morning came buslting in with her scratchy cloth and wiped away the memories of what had been. i turned my head away from the light to find a long red thread tangled in my hair as if someone had spent the night weaving it through the black strands. 011220
farmfish interesting little red thread weaving its way to australia. i did hear that's how it travels, in dreams, the little bugga! if you would have remembered your dream, sabbie, you would of course known what it was doing there. my advice to you: keep the scratchy cloths off the nightstand and in the closet where they belong. you did save the red thread didn't you? 011221
ClairE long_hair_collection 011221
unhinged i dreamed a dream tonight in dennys that will come true in a few months. we will be together and life will be sweet...if not it will be priceless to see the look on his face. and hers, and his, and theirs, and his.... 011221
what's it to you?
who go