Arwyn In the moments I thought you would never come home, I sat there crying, wondering what I would do next. And there was nothing. No other option, I realized that I was so close to losing everything... I was terrified that the reason my life had been so wonderful, was gone... I can't begin to tell you how happy I was when I saw you walking towards our home in the cold. 020205
somedaysam life plays cruel tricks
our hearts learn to love
that which will only destroy
mindless addictions and no intervention in sight
do not tolerate, rather learn to live without
shivers im addicted
and im scared
its all so fast
walking on clouds
smile on my face
miss you always
dont leave
Still Waiting So how come you haven't died yet? 040416
misstree and i won't let you live without me!
*wields deadly weapon of choice*
girl i dont die because i'm waiting
and waiting

even when i'm not waiting, i am waiting
werewolf he was waiting for his friend to finish shooting up. they were in an alleyway. at the other end near the street two grinning men stepped in, lightly tussling with each others jackets. it was cold out. they started kissing hard, they pushed up against the wall like a cop puts an arrested peron over the hood of a car, suspicious, enjoying their power. it all escalated so quickly like things of passion do: the court transcripts littered with questions like, were you in posession of your faculties at this time (no but i was in posession of somebody else's). their penises were out now in the open air, and they were moving quicker and quicker like two tornadoes locked and suddenly moving into one larger one, a mutual frenzy. his friend, now done with the injection of his paycheck (which was fair because it was also his only motivation to work) looked up and muttered faggots. it's much more offensive if you say the whole word than just fags. it's as close to contemplating and purposeful as you can get with a word like that. he and his friend walked down the alley and walked towards the street to exit the alley. the two men didn't even turn their heads as he and his friend approached. their noises escalated as they passed them by, but it was more than that, their noises were just escalating, and it didn't matter if anyone saw it or what it was for. he looked back as he walked out into the street in time to see them both contorting, howling into each others mouths, gripping at retreating clouds. his last image was of the penis of one of the men, steaming in the cold air. 040416
foryou and yet i breathe 040625
unhinged but i can't bring myself
to apologize for it now
it was nice to be needed
as quick as it dissolved
i cannot live without you
but i can't live to be used
..... i hate you 040626
what's it to you?
who go