andrea to seek harmony is to
search for a moment when
the sun is not shining

copyright 2000
sabbie they had a policy at my high school that anyone who wore a black tshirt with anything on them (band pictures and words and stuff) to school was repremanded and made to turn the shirt inside out and wear it like that for the rest of the day.

my friend had an elvis tshirt, and a marilyn munroe tshirt, they tried to make her turn them inside out.

one day i wore the jeans my brother had decorated for me, drawn his cool pictures all over them with permanat textas, and the teachers tried to apply the black-tshirt rule to my jeans.

and i told them they were crazy.
which they were.
j_blue i seem to remember hearing on the radio that a dress code of that nature is illegal in california public schools.

i think because a judge decided that to control what a student wears that way is to violate their freedom of expression.

but my own memories of high school do not corroborate the other memory (i think maybe the decision was made after i left highschool, like w/in the past 5 years or so)

assuming one of the memories isnt a dream, that is.
ki in black pen
on black jeans
so you have to look real close
if you ever get there
Quiggz I went down to the ensemble room
to pass the


between exams
And I played the piano

I found some cool chords that
To make a song from
But I had nothing to write
the chords on

So I wrote them on my pants

Music rocks
Toxic_Kisses Kevin once wrote his school schedule on my jeans. After that I never wore nor washed them again until he broke up w/ me 011011
yummyC shakespeare sonnets on my red/black jeans
sometimes people insist upon reading it, which gets difficult, some is written on the crotch part of the pants.
niki if i had money to waste on jeans, i would totally do this...except i probably wouldn't think of something this cool 011012
jane i only stopped because they told me we couldn't afford to do this; what would happen when i wanted a "clean" pair of jeans to wear?

i would take responsibility for it.

didn't think about that, did you?
shoccolo gimme a minute & i'll tell you where to get your shirts cleaned. 030815
h|s|g pen_wonders 100920
unhinged call it pavlovian_conditioning but this just never seemed like an acceptable idea to me 100921
flowerock all the lyrics of ween while aliens descend slowly and loudly in an elegant lightning storm in the mountains in the sonoran desert, trees are taller than they seem and ants never stop working, the aun always rises. 140204
flowerock *the sun always rises. 140204
what's it to you?
who go