klairchen Ok, so I'm not very original or bright.


But at least I'm trying, right?


Ok, fine then.

This is where you can ask me things and stuff. Like if you wanted to, you could ask me what happened to the other klairchen or you could ask me about the meaning of "kinder_surprise".

But only if you are so inclined to do so.

Best wishes,

typhoid i just have to say i approve. anything to take the load off of ask_schleiffen_man, which has become quite bloated and unwieldly 000827
silentbob Klairchen

i have a very important question and all i need is but a few moments of your time.

See in all the cosmic reasoning thrown out of the perils of imagination only one question really strikes me as truly reightious and important and it is...

How do they pack all the Gram into Golden Gram?
klairchen Dearest Typhoid,

Ok, that's very nice and all.
Thank-you. But silentbob is really the one who deserves the credit as he was the first one to officially deviate and make the spin-off.

Best wishes,
klairchen Dearest Silentbob,

Golden Grahms, eh?
If you are referring to the cereal I like it a lot. I don't really know how they pack all that "graaahm" into the golden grahms but I suspect it has something to do with snap, crackle and pops. Anyhow, I reccomend letting the grahmness chill for a bit in the milk. Thats what makes it extra yummy.

Best wishes,
the grendel who says NI! dear klairchen;

multiple choice...

a) the larch?

b) the man with the tape recorder up his nose?

c) Dimmesdale?

d) a blancmange?

e) all of the above
klairchen Dearest Grendel,

That just reminded me of a psychology experiment I once did for credit. Anyhow, I pick a) larch because larch is the most asthetically pleasing to me.

Best wishes,
Kasa Dear Klairchen,

How come you are in such a drepressed mood lately?
klairchen Kasa,

Oh, so I'm drepressed now? Ok.

And I think you already know the answer to that question.

I'm not one to put my laundry on display.

But there's nothing stopping you from doing it, as nothing stopped you from doing it before.

grendel well, i suppose that your previous answer eliminates choices f,g, and h


*a shrubbery
*an herring
*the spanish inquisition
(which i'm quite sure you weren't expecting)

is that a fair guess?

klairchen Dear Grendel,

Umm, yeeaahh, I guess it does eliminate those choices.

Hmmn, are you trying to send me some sort of subliminal message or something?

klairchen Have you ever been played for a fool? 000927
klairchen Of course. 000927
silentbob may i devour you? 000927
klairchen Hmm, I would like to be devoured.

Then I would not have to face mortification next week.
Barrett Klairchen,

You being from Kanadia and all, I would like to ask you if you've heard of "I Mother Earth"? I've loved them for years. Just wanted to know how Kanadia feels about them, being they are Kanadian.
klairchen Hmn, I'm not quite sure who Kanadia is but just for the record, I'm from somewhere northern. And of course I know who IMT is. My cousin loves them and got to interview them this summer. 000928
kanadia No comment at this time. 000928
klairchen Oh damn. That should read "IME" not "IMT".

what's it to you?
who go