the oneders ok so this is the unisex version of blather_babes. i was going to do blather_studs but some girls might think silent bob is a hottie but not a stud. so go ahead people. who do you think is hot on blather? there are pictures to help you make up your mind and there is lots of writing. choose carefully because once a hottie vote is registered you CANT take it back 030729
the oneders someone took my name. i can't believe i already have a blather impersonator. that's cool. 030729
the oneders well i'll begin. i think girl_jane is hot, for one. 030729
endless desire well, i mean, can i deny silentbob of a nomination?! of course not.

i really haven't seen very many pictures_of_blatherskites because my comp is rather slow.

for girls, girl_jane and yummyC/sixteen are both very attractive. blather also has girls with nice hair around here. i'm weird about hair.
:]~ Hey Now! = Damn Hot! 030729
DannyH Fuck off back to school. 030730
silentbob i dont think i could be considered a stud: i'm too mooshy. 030730
girl_jane Wow. I'm really flattered. I normally never get nominated on blather_survey things. *smiles* 030810
minnesota_chris 10_blatherskites_I_want_to_see_on_Broadway

1. girl_jane
2. girl_jane
3. girl_jane
4. girl_jane
5. girl_jane
6. girl_jane
7. girl_jane
8. girl_jane
9. girl_jane
10. MEEE
elimeny wait... i wanna see pictures.. how does one go about this? i have pictures... i do... i wanna be a hottie and feel accepted by the blather crowd... someone vote me! im hot and shtuff! 030824
Bespeckled see: pictures_of_blatherites

then see:
ferret i vote... elimeny! 030824
also pictures_of_blatherskites 030824
blind assumption eyedream 030825
screwing for virginity i second the nomination 030825
Dafremen Will there be a separate "silver fox" competition for us old folks? Cuz my vote would go to TJ then. He dances divinely and he didn't try to look up my dress. (Thanks for the invite to that shindig, do0d..remember Moose Lodge meeting next week. Leave the pumps at home. Beer's provided.)

Course bono looks better in women's clothing though. How old ARE you bono? 20th or 19th century?
elimeny awwwwwwwwwwww! garsh..... what a great way to start the morning, checking up the blather scene and two people say im a hottie.... what a wonderful week!!! i love ferrets and people who screw for virginity. 030828
daughterofthemoon I think oE is a guy, if so then i nominate him as a hottie 040328
Lemon_Soda I nominate myself because I'm the one I have sex with the most. 040329
Death of a Rose I also nomiate myself, as my pants are on fire. 040329
moron "nominate" 040329
sameolme emoliate, and I second my self, as I also have had great anonymous sex with him. 040329
minnesota_chris exfoliate, and I nominate myself because I'd be great, probably. 040331
blah did you guys actually write that, or is le poser again? 040331
blah did you guys actually write that, or is le poser at it again? 040331
white wave i nominate myself coz i'm one hot bitch! 040331
blah oh for crying out loud!!!! knock it off you little asshole!! 040331
minnesota_chris I actually did write that. She's rubbing off on me.

one hot bitch
hot bitch i hope the rubbing feels good. 040402
im not telling i know i'm attractive. hehe, i'm shallow like everyone else. 040510
kookaburra i know that you know that silentbob is a hottie.
i love guys with longish hair...
??? "Abuse_Photos" 040510
kookaburra awwwww, see?
now youre depressing me.
but i guess this is blather...
but still,
what's it to you?
who go