nemo theres a cute boy, i found him in the hallway. he rejected me today. *sob* 011120
whoknows damn... i wish i had been rejected. then all that shit that came after us never would have come. why did that bloody bastard think i wouldnt have been able to handle it? he wasnt *that* special... not in the begining. 011120
lost i havent been rejected in a long time. i wasnt rejected once this entire summer which is kinda odd for me. actually not once this entire summer did i try and hook up with a chick. they always approached me. I didnt even realy have to do anything to get with the person i am with now. one of my best friends was dating her best friend and she told my friend that she liked me and then a sit next to one of my girlfriends friends in a class and she told me too. and i had liked her for a while because shes hot and was always really kool. 011121
ClairE big surprise.

Actually, it does shock me every time. Shock. Like when a cold washcloth hits your fevered head.

Getting told you are hated is like getting punched in the stomach.
god or breathing 030624
june thanks

nothing like a little kick to give the heart a flutter
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl fear of rejection is enough to put me off.
the cold, cold feeling inside
the almost panicky feeling
i'm fine just watching him walk, a halo of light around him.
i know he doesn't like me
he likes someone else
that's painful
but i'm not going to hurt myself further by asking him when i know he will reject me.
it's stupid

mumbles over.
conformist another notch in that broad belt of humiliation.
rejection becomes the expectation.
the distance between being a "cool person" and that lonely island of avoidance gets shorter all the time.
the only people left are saints
x every day is a rejection 040126
silentbob a boy becomes normal today 040126
witchesrequiem My mind rejects me or maybe vice versa.

I think now that I am older rejection doesen't hurt, it embaresses me. Karma for free drinks from men that never had a shot or a clue.
celestias shadow why does it hurt so much every time? it's like we rediscover what it feels like, EVERY TIME. And yet, somehow, we go out and do it all over again.

I guess hope really does spring eternal.
what's it to you?
who go