. testing, sorry. 031204
bruceaisher well done, just fill blather up with your trash, ass. Or indeed ass trash. 031205
misstree of course, the addition of a single small word, with an apology even, is offense enough to warrant uningenius insult. shall we compare trash volume? or shall we continue to spew diarrhea in order to keep blather_pollution in the recent list and waste our time and energy on someone who probably doesn't give a shit anyway? no, i take that back, they did give a shit, or they wouldn't have apologized. did you even bother to stop and wonder what they were testing? who they were? what needled you enough that you had to stop and point at the pile of chihuahua poop on the side of the road and say "hey! this shouldn't be here!"? are you upset? does it make you want to cry that space is being taken by a minor experiment, or are you happy that you got to squeeze a little venom out of the infected pus sacs that you call your life?

i wouldn't be so hard on you, but if you're going to be a whiny little shit with nothing better to do than point at chihuahua poop, at least do it in an entertaining matter. or not. the end of your existence is just a click away.
disclaimer: wasn't u24. 031205
sometimes_she why not turn it into a poem
or maybe a page with words that begin with h


ok well i can't think of anymore

-he doesn't see me
-how are you so irritated?

damnit this was a bad idea.
ugh, waste of blue space.
u24 agrees with misstree, I'd consider those 14 words of response more wasteful than the original two words of testing.

but then, I would say that. :)
misstree he helped the hubbub in these hallowed halls
hang heavy, but hatred and happiness hold hands
in a hussy's heart's hypocritical hilarity, so Her, the
Head Honchess, herded honed heat into
a hissing hootenanny, to his horror
hammering the hapless hack's harebrained hopes
of hunched humility hatch into a
hardy hoodwinking and harrassment
at the hand of a haughty harridan.

(i did start the page, after all, so i gueeeesssss i *could* put something worthwhile here.. but instead i poop some doggerel and giggle. :)
misstree erm, should have been helping rather than hammered, didn't catch that. doh. 031205
sometimes_she is impressed 031208
what's it to you?
who go