what do you think? should the government give money for research? is it murder? is it science? are frozen embryos property or are they potential humans?
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experimental prototype birdmad
who's to say we aren't the stem cells in someone else's experiment already. i say go for it, (and also, good to see another post from you frAnk
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i heard about this baby they call suzie snowflake because she was once a cryogenically frozen embryo and was bought and placed in a woman where she developed and was brought to term. now she's nearly three years old and of course, is like any normal baby born from copulation. government funding will only lead to harvesting humans for organs. i say no.
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where is the line? certainly embryos are potential humans, but so are eggs and sperm and if you think about it, anything containing dna may one day produce humans. you can't ask science to draw the line, you shouldn't ask religion, and for gods sake, you should never ever ask government. the only answer is to ask yourself.
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if they find out how to clone, then that's just one step closer to the end of the world. think about all the technology that the government tried to keep secret that people got ahold of and now it's common stuff. and the government isn't even trying to keep THIS quiet, they think it will be a GOOD thing! it won't, someone will get their hands on the cloning technology and make a giant army of superhuman freaks programmed for killing. and just think, they will be able to create new and better life forms.
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stem cells can be taken from your own skin,... so why have an organ made from someone else's embryonic stem cells, which your body might reject, ..when you could have your own organs grown from your own skin cells with little or no chance of rejection and less of a need for anti-rejection drugs? researchers at McGill discovered this 2 years ago.
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when i've already had enough kids i can stand, i'm selling my eggs to science. they'll pay up to 200 large, to scoop out ONE ovary. and at this point, the gene pool is so widely dispersed, it really makes no difference. anyway, the more little niskas out there, the better, i say...
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smart people is this the genius factory? spraying words like seeds from freeway landscaping hoses that green shit blanket on the 2:1 berm dna for a monoculture of weed stranglers stem cells? what's that?
what's it to you?