silentbob -Cook yourself nutritious meals
-Go to bed early
-Wake up early
-Take time to spend by yourself reading and doing things that make you happy
-Alternate this with time spent with friends who make you caterwaul deep belly laughter
-Do not surround yourself with toxic people who make you feel bad about yourself disguised as "advice"
-Take yourself to the movies
-Have sex & masturbate
-Don't date people you're not into
-listen to music that makes you feel and study the lyrics closely
-Remind yourself that all of these are choices and all choices are valid. Some choices lead to manageable consequences.
-Let a kitten sit on your chest and swell with love
-Breathe through your nose
-Forgive yourself for choices that were just choices
-Stay alone until you find someone worth coupling off with.
-Recognize your agency and theirs
silentbob self_care is alone 140901
flowerock fitting, it can care for itself. 140902
xad gettin' all mature up in here. 140903
silentbob remember_who_you_are 140910
epitome of incomprehensibility Decent stuff; my 1st amendment is make it adjustable for personality/climate/timetable etc.

(for instance, I don't derive particular pleasure or usefulness from going to bed or getting up early - the sleep schedule I fall back on is 12-8, though that in itself is adjustable according to demands)
tail-devouring snake i actually don't know what this is anymore. 140911
silentbob recklessly 160511
unhinged acupuncture

e_o_i Don't let guilt paralyze you if you can help it. 160512
.flowerock Oil_pulling is like a spa for my mouth. My teeth suddenly hurt when they so much as exist, oil pulling helps a little. 170206
ever dumbening my friend, who is a snake, that eats snakes (well, one snake anyway, or at least part of one--that seems strangely familiar), is good at this, though she sometimes forgets. oh, also, she has a joy_furnace (i don't think they sell those on amazon though, otherwise i might buy one), which is pretty cool i think. anyway, self care, yeah, that. 170206
.flowerock I love your description of this friend... I think I like your friend too, she is quite a snake to behold, in the most positive, inspiring, human way... snakes are often associated with less nice things... but not here.
Any way... a joy furnace sounds nice, I wonder how it works... is laughter the fuel?

Self care action... or non action tonight... I'm not cleaning before bed. I always feel compelled to clean all the time. Especially at night because I prefer to wake up to a neat and clean environment... but I'm not stressing tonight... it's messy and it can stay that way for a while. That's perfectly alright.
what's it to you?
who go