hope you dont mind that i think youre cool so what if she's the blather_bitch

you're a cool shit, dude.

keep rockin'
birdmad i agree completely and then some 020722
spider from mars yep.
it's that very boldness that makes you shine.

cheers, dax.
Daria Does that come as a surprise to you?
As in you didn't think she rocked until recently? Shame on you.
jeez calm down, daria. 020722
DannyH Goes without saying.

Except I just did.
freakizh i think that too

boogie daxle.
she Duh.
I think we knew that.
daxle this reminds me of the time in elementary school where I became super popular and then all of a sudden everyone realized what a cocky bastard I was becoming and then decided to cut me down a notch
(don't worry, it won't happen again- my self confidence is permanently wounded)
at any rate we love you 020722
the repeater pralines&cream

my sister started a club in 3rd grade where her and her friends would go around beating up boys. They called it the Wolf Pack.
farmfish daxle at robin hill...oh what a horticulure project. let's see, this weed is called___________ 020723
spider from mars actually, no.

i've come to the conclusion that she's more vindictive than audacious.

sometimes the things she says are way too hurtful. i just don't know what she's trying to gain.
daxle tell me what exactly it is that I have said lately that's been so mean?
i have never been "vindictive" to my knowledge
spider from mars i really don't want to start an argument.

i'm sorry for feeling the need to blathe the above. i guess i just want you to be aware of people's feelings.
daxle seriously... look at who_blathers under daxle...
i've never been purposefully hurtful and lately i've tried to be nicer regardless so it's pretty surprising to get this kind of a response
spider from mars okay.

like i said, i'm sorry i felt the need to blathe that. but i did.

i think the thing is, though, that you have possibly hurt people unknowingly. like you said, you haven't purposely done it.
spider from mars i'm sorry to put this here. maybe i just should've emailed you.

forgive me.
a certain unnamed bird point goes to daxle here...

as someone who is currently on her bad side, i have no major complaints (except for maybe the part about seeming to be on her bad side - which was, to a degree, my fault anyway)
daxle oh you...
you aren't on my bad side...
(all of my sides are bad and so they aren't really sides at all but just outer surfaces of a sphere)
User24 how sorry is spiders from mars!

-we get it-

daxle's cool, no-one on blather pisses me off. ditto did years back.
x every page that has to do with me goes to shit 030421
Death of a Rose and rolls. Nobody mentioned that yet! 040420
what's it to you?
who go