x is there any way i can make salty things and chocolate appear out of thin air? 040502
Piso Mojado i find talking about food in great detail gives me the same satisfaction as if i had eaten (minus being full of course) 040502
vituperus viands 040503
notme sai baba 040503
x a god who descended to earth or a known pedophile,
either way how is that going to help?
white_wave menopause would solve that problem. 040504
minnesota_chris go to grandma's house. 040504
thieums Well, there is a way, but it requires some preparation.

First, you have to find a chocolate factory which is nearby a salt mine. Then, those factories need to be linked by a bridge.

Place carefully some remote-controlled C4 charges on the bridge pillars, and place yourself under the bridge.

When the truck from the chocolate factory and the truck from the salt mine cross the bridge together, activate the charges.

If everything goes well, chocolate and salt should pour on your head out of thin air.

(this, and a bit of concrete, metal, and other stuff bridges are usually made of - don't forget to wear a helmet !)
x that is the only worthwhile idea on here. thank you. 040504
notme well whatever his supposed divinity or demonity (i don't think that's a word, but hey) i don't really know or care all that much about him any more than any other human out there.

he is reputed to be able to manifest things from out of thin air, hence his fame, and why i mentioned him. i suppose i could've dropped a different name or set of words, but that was the first thing that sprung from my mind.

if you think it is even remotely possible that some dude in india could really pull off such tricks, or anyone else in history for that matter, then mayhap you could believe in yourself to be able to do likewise.

belief is the first step in any magical exercise.

of course you are probably just joking around with your question 'is there a way?' but, to use an old expression, if there is a will, there is a way.
notme on another note, there have been major advances in the field of quantum teleportation in recent years.
if you just wait long enough, you can get your very own quantum teleporter for only 199.95 plus tax. (shipping and handling free of charge, as your quantum device will be teleported to you immediately upon payment of funds)

just imagine all the stuff you could do with one of them thingamajiggies.

or, in the future, if you get hold of a time machine, you could send your present self a box of chocolates (and salty things),..though this could get a bit messy.
x i settled for going to the store 040504
minnesota_chris giving unhelpful answers is what I do best. 040505
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