KARL THE FUCKING WEED i wish i could include exclamation points or caps in titles to show people that i am ANGRY!!!!!!!!1
NO ONES FUCKING ON!!! POST STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ferret awwww poor davey wavey (lol, trust me! he loves this name! lol) 030630
spatula you have much to learn, grasshopper 030630
please go to a chat room 030630
ferret nice, sir please, nice 030630
The Spork Well, I do hate to agree with mister rocket_science (Sorry, kiddies, old joke) but lately we're awash in test pages and "fan club" pages.

Some of you have written some nice stuff lately, but the last three or four days have been really quite vapid, on the whole.

Even the outbursts of occasionally maudlin poetry might are an improvement over the endless circular pattern of finding out who is whose number one fan already.

I'm not going to go as far as to tell someone how to blathe, but please, a little creativity and insight instead of this uninterrupted chain of back-patting before I end up sounding like one of the so-called "old_blather_farts" and really going off on a tear about how far the state of affairs around this joint has slipped.
evolve sweat and figments, my freind. tithe and planty.some who none many sore and happening too un-like. one spiked headed holded on. what? whenever? something? oh. 030701
The Spork YEAH!!

Bizarre in that god, paste!, and whoever else does that goofy stuff kinda way.

That's giving it the old blather try.

Jeez, wouldja look at that, i'm gettin' all teary eyed here.


(is quite drunk right now)
:_) shush.
blather was sleeping.....
white_wave blather_is_quiet 040222
alone but with others that means i'm the only one here it seems 040224
girl_jane I'm here... 040224
white_wave i post too quickly and that's why it's so quiet here. 040225
ambermoon am i the only one here?
white_wave thisisreallyanobnoxiousthreadtobringback

but it's only 12:00 A.M. here. i'm not ready for bed yet.
karl the weed isnt it? and you didnt even post it in a half sleeping stupidity stupor! 040228
white_wave see blather_weakening 040321
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl noooooooooo
why isnt anyone ON??!!!!!!!!!
it's daylight saving time!
you should be up an hour EARLIER

no wait thats wrong....

POST dammit POST
it's not nice being the only person on blather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its lonely *sniffles*

be that way
DON'T post.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl nobody seems to be on
alone in the sea again, drowning in my own self loathing.
with nobody to distract me.

this is too resonant of my life right now.
somebody post goddamnit.
why is it that blather is so fucking empty when my soul feels the same?
what's it to you?
who go