mmm food is best when hunted down and killed, especially poptarts and prepackaged food.

tonights hunt ddin't go as well as i hoped it would've... it went down hill from the time i made it to the hunting grounds.. my first mistake was i stumbled and tripped my way out of the brush and scared away a whole flock of grazing poptarts. the alpha male looked back at me as the flock ran away, and it was the same damned blue berry one that i encountered many moons ago... after scaring all the poptarts away, and regaining my composure, i started off to find the free-range ritz crackers.. they are an illusive breed.. they like to hid deep in the jungle of my kitchen, down near the dark caves that hold many a tasty varieties of crackers. when i arived at the entrance to the caves i saw no sign of any of the crackers, the must have started thier yearly migration earily.. after checking a few other places the crackers have been spotted at in the past hunts (w/ no luck though) i ventured to the artic range... after very little luch even spottiong something worth tracking down i set my sights on something less aggressive but still a good kill. once spotted the wild salad had little time to react before it felt the full furry of my fork. after only a few blows it was out for the count. i had but to only find a bottle off dressing and spill its blood across the top of the salad's carcass..... in the end my hunt was bountiful, not as much as i hoped it would have been. i guess i'mm just out of practice.... and i need to ready my poptart spear.. i wil;l not let that blue berry escape from me once again...

it was a long and hard hunt... i had chased down the illusive cherry poptart and had him cornered and just as i'm about to spear him in the heart the ever vigilant blue berry came out of nowhere and jumped me from behind... after several minutes of being mauled by the 2 of them they just up and ran off... after a brief visit to the bathroom for bandaids i made my way to the closet for a some free range cookies...

[i meant to post these a long time ago (when i first wrote them), i put them in my lj months ago...]
Becky Definitley some funny stuff. You're so strange. and the blueberry poptarts aren't worth trying to kill.. they're gross. 011210
:) lol that rocks 040705
Strideo I found some potato chip carcases the other day. they had been dead for too long to be fresh and I had to dispose of their stale bodies.
jane i smoked some pot in high_school that supposedly had something "else" in it, i'm still not sure what it was.

well we got the munchies & i had a bowl of cocoa krispies, and i heard their snap_crackle_pop s as wails and cries, and i began to imagine what if there was a land where the krispies roamed free out on the plains, and we heard their calls and had to hunt them down for their meat?
what's it to you?
who go