Gained. I ventured to live,
knowing I would meet death.
I ventured to dream
'til my final breath.

I ventured to hope
when it all seemed like slime,
and God sent a rope,
which I ventured to climb.

I ventured a penny,
and God gave me a nickel.
So I ventured a dollar,
and got punched by a brawler.

I ventured forgiveness,
though loneliness wracked me.
The brawler turned charming
and began to attract me!

I ventured to love him,
in spite of his faults;
now we get on quite well
for two headstrong adults!

I ventured to pray
that our love might outlast
our short little lives
and not fade like the past.

I feel rather certain
that these ventures were worthful.
(Is that even a word?
This last venture was mirthful.)
what's it to you?
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