misstree crushed like ash under a heel. 050802
Lemon_Soda Putting our happiness in someone else's hands is always a dangerous thing for we can never be quite sure what they will do with it. Generally, they either toss it aside, letting it goosh on the pavement of their indifferance, or they press and stretch and shape it into something that we never wanted it to be in the first place, and when they hand it back we're left holding an abstract, unappealing version of how they think we should be. Sometimes, though, we hand it to the right person and they smack it hard into their own and you both make a bigger, better, more beautiful sculpture than you ever could alone. On the subject, however, I can only say I think its silly to hand it to someone we don't even know very well at all and expect anything better than being let down or rejected. Just remember that nomatter how pretty their happiness seems, you shouldn't allow them a hand at making yours. 050802
misstree "I can only say I think its silly to hand it to someone we don't even know very well at all and expect anything better than being let down or rejected."


openness and compassion, bay-bee, surprised to hear this out of you, brother blue...

without allowing some measure of risk, we close ourselves off to all the wonders available. to depend on another, bad. to allow another, good.

and in most cases, being blown off is unintentional on the part of the blower... then the question becomes whether they regret their shittiness.

i'll cross my fingers but not hold my breath.
Lemon_Soda I meant more along the lines of not placing large amounts of expectation on another. One should take their shot, but not be upset if the other party doesn't want to play.

But social interaction is our lifes blood in many ways, dear sister, so even the most casual or kind denial is like having blood stolen from our very veins by a rather large and barbed needle, spasming sharp clouds of electricity in our chests. Even well meant criticism can seemingly transform into degrading insult as it flys to our ears, even when we KNOW thats not what it was meant to be...

Except when we read it... easier to handle then, for some reason...

misstree i see your point more clearly now.

the worst sting was in the unexpectedness of it, after such apparent enthusiasm.

but i have other things demanding my energies, and if i should pack myself away and flit off, so be it.

thank god i haven't invested too much yet. mayhaps it is a warning against such.
what's it to you?
who go