. ? 070607
zeke kx21_must_die_coalition 070607
z in_search_of_kx21_must_die_coalition 070607
z what_could_happen_to_blather 070607
- - 070627
mr song what did he/she do? 070627
Strideo Well, I don't know if I've got all the facts right but I shall tell the tale of kx21. If I get any of this wrong feel free to correct me people.

I wasn't aware of any banning of him but one just has to look around and it wont be long before they start to find the marks left behind by kx21. It's my understanding that he started off his blathering with strange idiosyncratically formated blathes about astronomy, physics, and philosophy. His posts were somewhat cryptic and many found them to be intriguing. Then he wasn't very active for a while. Eventually kx21 returned and just about all he did was use his cryptic format to push his own political rhetoric. He quite often dominated the recent page and no attempt to communicate with him ever produced anything like a normal human response from him. Often his replies were things like "show me your finger and I will show you the moon" or something like that or "something amen". His daily barrage of blathe was so voluminous and consistant in nature many joked that he was a bot and that we should give him a Turing test.

Now of course kx21's actions stirred up a lot of controversy. Some still supported him, others ignored him, still others were annoyed with him, and some found his daily kx21isms to be nearly intolerable.

I was quite irritated with his actions myself so you could say that I fell within the anti-kx camp although I never did much more than complain about him from time to time and try to communicate with him a few times without much success.

His real name is Alfred_Toh.

He also had a website that contained links to most of his posts on blather.

Here is evidence of how he has baffled and annoyed people of another website with his antics:
Certainly his robot style was not appropriate for that kind of site.

jane also kx21.com 070627
Strideo I really should have proof read that.
They call me Truth WOW!!
Reading this was kinda funny and kinda intriguing. I have read many of his blathes, usually when he talked about enlightenment, God, and such. I have glazed over many of his orders and have only read the titles of political ones.
Nevertheless I did appreciate his uniqueness even if i didnt understand it.
mr song but kx21.com doesn't exist. 070628
Bang kx 6 band is it ? 070628
Strideo yes, mr. song, kx21.com seems to have closed up shop or been shut down. that's one more missing piece of a strange little puzzle.
dosquatch So... he's really gone?

hmm. The captcha's a new thing.
dosquatch Ahh! can_something_be_done_about_these explains the captchas. Life is good. 070630
what's it to you?
who go