werewolf a brooding teenager at 26,
still on about his father's death.
but after his last heartbreak realizes
the ghost was always his mother -
recounting nightly in the pale bedroom lamp
the sexless comedies of her day.
a glass of wine, translucent,
the runoff of Jesus' side spear,
what is tragedy but a sexless comedy?

I sought in so many girls,
my father's forgiveness, permission, and form.
as i came into the build
and balance between revelry and industry
that was all i remember of him.

i sought in them too my mother's forgiveness,
troubling contradictions
in the monologue i crafted from their sex.
growing ever tired of winning,
as my father had won,
dating as he did my mother for 13 years
making one last night with his other
love of 15 years the night before he wed my mother.

the idea of him checking out early,
before his end decision and his young
decisively indecision,
seemed to remove forever the hopes of
any parity between the two,
usurper and usurped.

she told me candidly once,
she still has dreams
where she is forsaken
rather than another.

whatever her part in it,
i grew tired of the complicity
of men in their superior station.
and how i myself
used the lilting conversation
of women that i learned
as my chief language
growing up with my mom and sister -
to achieve what i dimly thought
my father's ends.

and then you, fair and round
all i had spread out amongst many
girls, suddenly in one.
finally a love i couldn't trick -
your lack of mistake
your portals of discovery.
you too were addicted to amazing others,
to moving about them.

and here was my discovery -
i had always been more pedestrian
than you,
than my father would admit he was.
i wanted so much of what i was not allowed to -
the world of my mother.

and so i rose the father in me,
so he would stand fullest
before he fell.
having murdered so many
as him,
i conspired his murder as well.

and now when i think of you,
though i long still
for the banal pleasures of your body,
the high drama having been exercised,
i am joyful.

entire comedy and entire tragedy
both averted in a course of acts,
averted in your bed,
reconciling the still strange,
now tender,
bed of my parents.

at last i can act.
Molly Pedestrian comes from the Latin, pedester, which is contrasted to equester ("on horseback"). Etymology makes it funnier. 090115
werewolf etymology makes everything funnier 090116
Molly Perhaps not that. 090116
werewolf do you even know the etymology of everything? 090116
Molly Yes, and it's rather boring. Although boring isn't. 090116
werewolf oh i like how you said rather. rather. 090117
what's it to you?
who go