MollyGoLightly i want to have a spring break, dammit.

i want to go to a sandy place and drink til i pass out and wear a sarong. i want to make friends with strangers i'll never see again.

let's go. dammit.

i mean it.
sporkwielder and i am appropriately nude 020322
silentbob had a little fun
glad its over
Arwyn oh thank god it's over with.... 020322
yummyC its finally here. i am free (from school. ah the confinement of all those peers who I love to be with and around...) for a week. one week. I am in Hawaii. I don't like beaches. Spring break is just a break from school, no more.

sweetheart of the song tra bong My dad just uninvited me from our family vacation over spring break.

Because I keep making difficult demands and he is sick of shaping the family vacation around my schedule.

My most difficult demands: requesting to take an earlier flight back Sunday, because the one he wants me to take would get me back to college at 1 AM Monday -- and I'll have a full morning of classes that day (from 9 to 1).

I'm whining but what do you do when dad votes you off? (i am the weakest daughter. goodbye)...

I have to plan my OWN Spring Break now. Any suggestions?
falling_alone spring break starts early for me cuz i'm skipping classes, hopping a bus to NYC ...47th and something... with my best friend over the weekend, and coming home to oral surgery.

we have no clue what we are going to do there? suggestions from local skites?
call the cell: 484 250 2154...not that you will ^_^
sirflaccid My boss asked the other day what my plans were for Spring Break.

He had made the assumption that I would be planning some big event.

"Its just another week. I'll probably just go for a ride when I'm off."

"So, you'll be here then."



I had my thirty-day evaluation a few days ago.

"It seems like everything is good here. You show up on time, you get the work done, and don't whine about things like some of the other kids."

"Honestly, I am a 23 year old man. I've had a career. I come to work. I do my job. Please, don't lump me in with 'the kids.'"


It is funny to go back to a world in which you don't exactly blend.
Ouroboros return to lost_angeles 060306
Ouroboros yes_oh_yes 060324
what's it to you?
who go