cali j well i do 010624
baby satan yell, rebel. yell. 010624
burden Dancing with myself. 010624
black-dyed gel product Billy Idol could probably beat up Billy Ocean. Probably. 010624
baby satan carribean spleen. 010624
paste! billy crystal masturbates to "mony, mony" at least once a week. 010625
Casey I watched his behind the music on VH1. It was pretty good 010625
satan satan satan Yo, BS, i think you were thinkin' Billy Ocean" (with that caribbean spleen thing)

only in hell would i know such thngs
satan satan SATAN nyeeeevermiyyynd (in best "fargo" accent

(dopey me and my selective attention span)
Sol um, sorry to sound (again) ignorant, but who is billy idol? 010625
nocturnal at work jesus christ! how old are you?! don't mean to make you feel dumb, but that just surprised me. 010625
burden Billy Idol was the former head of the Labour Party in England. He ruled before Thatcher. Most notably, he enacted the 'Let's Be Friends' policy with Lesotho and Ecuador. 010625
nocturnal at work that wasn't very nice. don't mess with the poor kid's head. 010625
birdmad lead vocalist of the punk-pop band Generation X in the mid-late 70's

80's new-wave guy

billy idol was cooler than the other hair and makeup glam fiends in the 80's because he wasn't playing some shitty pseudo-metal like poison or any of those other cheeseballs

and he does a good cover of Simple Minds "Don't you forget about me" lately
grendel for those who did not know 010625
burden I didn't really like his "Don't You" cover... but everything else that I've heard is a-ok. 010625
Sol wow, feel considerably harangued, but still ignorant, ah well, IM 17 (as you could find out i should imagine) and never realy got interested in such things, i do get exposed to them by freinds tho' so I have probably experienced him, im gonna go find some now 010626
burden 'sokay. I'm only 18 myself, but I'm convinced that I was supposed to have been born in 1968. That way, I would have been 17 in 1985, and I would have experienced for myself the self-indulgent decadence and glossy-facade conservatism with which the 1980s was rife. Actually, the only reason is that "Take On Me" by a-ha came out in '85. Scrumptious tune. 010626
Tiffa Hey - I'm 17 and i Have had a thing for Billy since i was 14. (Thanx Dad) I recently saw him play at Foxwoods (the world's biggest casino) No matter how old he is (46 this year) I still think he is hot as hell. *sigh* He is playing in Boston on Aug., ^th. Check it out. Also in New hampshire a short time after that. 010723
Tiffa Sorry...thats August 6th. 010723
bijou(doesnt really remember much of the 80s whenever me and my amigos are going on a dangerous misson and we gotta get all psyched up we push eatch other around and say "C'MON! show me your billy idol face! grrrrrr!" 010723
Tank me too... i just saw him the other week... he still looks great... i never saw so many mullets in one place though... freaking jerseyites 010814
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