meta apparently i'm too young to join the blather_old_timers. *sniff* *sniff*. now i am so lonely! 060831
middle-aged timer meta? 060831
teenaged_blatherer how new is new? 060831
the son and heir / the sun and air how_soon_is_now ? 060831
sirflaccid around since '02... still don't feel as if I qualify as an old timer.

i presume, the old timers aren't even concerned with such issues. this is an adolescent issue of proving adulthood. they need not participate in such activities.
Stir It Up That's interesting, especially since most of the blathes on the old-timers page are by those who strike us middle-agers as old-timers. 060831
Keil I guess I would qualify as both since im a teen and have only been here like a year. Kinda funny, I found blather by google searching qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm or sumthin like that. Didn't know what I found, but I wasn't going to give it up. Was the only cool site i could access through the firewalls of the school. If I told too many people then I would lose blather to the sites blocked by the school. NEVER! So I just told Lafiel or Lafielgirl or whatever she's calling herself. Im at least the second-newest nOOb on the site. But I post a lot to make up for it. 060920
Keil And how do you start new blathes? I hate not knowing things. Garr, rawr, and whatnot. 060920
mr quackums meta?

as in grand experementer meta?
superleni Keil,
To make a new word hit 'blather' on this page, then type in the word you want - up where it says 'word'.
You might want to check the index first to see if it already exists.
superleni To see the index delete everything after net/ in the url, and then put the first letter of the word. So if you want to see all the words that start with 's' you'd have net/s. 060920
Keil Oh, thanks! Now I have the power to CREATE!!! bwahahahahahahaha!

is not god.
z also, see: welcome_to_blather 060921
Lafielgirl I'm not that new of a NOOB...I just don't get to blather as much as Keil does... I am a teenager but I'm older than you Keil! MWAHahaha...respect your elder! I have to say that blathering releaves the stresses of the day. So to me it doesn't matter how long you have been here but more of just having a good chat. 070619
Lemon_Soda long have I blathered? 070619
Lemon_Soda I've blathered for almost 4 years...

Not an old timer...

But certainly established.

A special thanks to my sister for introducing blather to me, and a special thanks to the one who introduced it to her.

My first post was:

birdmad i've been here for over seven years (000308) , but i go long enough between blathes lately that i don't really consider myself an old timer 070619
jane welcome_to_blather 070619
jane & bird, you were one of the 1st i noticed, back in 2000.
see: fear
what's it to you?
who go