sabbie today i heard the THUMP THUMP THUMP of a visitor on my front porch. the door bell rang and i went to answer it. there on my doormat stood the universe, hat respectfully doffed, twisting twisting twisting in nervous hands. the universe smiled polietly and handed me a little book, carefully made from paper and staples. the universe bowed eligantly, turned, and left my porch.
thump thump thump.
it opened my front gate, walked through and carefully shut the gate behind it. i gazed at the little book in my hands, flicking through its pages. on each page there was a careful drawing such as a small child would make and bring home. i looked up again, but the universe had rounded the corner and i could no longer see it.

i looked down again at the book in my hands. it was an invitation, there was no uncertainty about it. my heart ached for the beauty of the childish drawings so carefully outlined and coloured in.

tears welled in my eyes and i sank to my knees on the porch as i realised that, as beautiful and touching as the book was, i had no way of knowing what the invitation was for.
monadh beautiful! 010828
kerry that's rad, sabbie!

most everything you say here is rad, though. [smiles]
jane it's hard to write what i have here to write because there is no separation of feelings in catharsis. sometimes after i talk to you (even if it's brief, fleeting) my heart breaks because it knows the sort of longing i've been feeling my whole life. maybe it's a sagittarian thing, maybe it's a human thing. i am sick of life here. no longer do i want a lipring or teal hair. i want to own a little shop and raise my children in a house near a park with lots of trees that have leaves that change colors in autumn. but that's not what breaks my heart when i talk to you. what breaks my heart is that you know me, as i know you, and we both know we could do that together if it weren't for the fallacies that exist in the world. and maybe i can be the girl that does that with pride, with teal hair and a lipring. i think i've had enough of the fradulence/fradulents of the city. i wish it was quiet outside sometimes, and i have to pretend that the sweeping wind sound created by the traffic is really just the sweeping tide of the ocean, and i am startled awake by the abrasive and long honking of some taxi or truck. this time, i dont want to be startled. i want to do things right, for the first time in my life. and i would be honored if you were there to do it with me 040508
minnesota_chris ah, shit. The Big Apple is rotten, eh? I'm sorry, wish I could give ya a big hug. Back to podunkville for you? 040508
call_me_lydea gasp 040509
witchesrequiem it's his turn. 040509
marked . 040812
what's it to you?
who go