Rhin of things i abhor...

1) judgement - who the hell are you to judge me!?

2) 2 minute men - have some control for every womans' sake. Tao makes perfect.

3) red vehicles - everybody wants one!

4) haggis - needs no explanation

5) chain mail - i make my own luck!

6) kiddie pop tunes - generic. need i say more?

7) dishonesty - there is a definite lack of integrity out there

8) t.v. - excluding CNN, C-Span, Discovery & History. everything else pretty much sucks!

9) followers - get off my ass, unless you want to go down with me!

10) the blind - i mean those people who live life in their own little fantasyland. do they, excuse me, do YOU even know yourself, others, and the earth? next time i need a break from reality, i'll come visit you!
startfires top ten places i would take barrett on a date (with a peice of tape over his mouth in a box with a window so he could look out):
10)the air show
9)san jose, costa rica
8)the factory where they make klondike bars
7)to see the lunatic in my head
6)monterrey, mexico
5)the train bridge by my house
4)rasta pasta in breckenridge, colorado
3)CATS on broadway
1)hm. i can not put my finger on it now. the child is gone. the dream is gone.
silentbob Top Ten List of things i would say to erin BEFORE i asked her why she wants to take barrett on a date and not me:

10) Um....hey erin..
9) Um....hey erin..
8) So erin, how's it going?
7) Well, well, well, look who it is
6) So...we meet again.
5)Erin...i never expected..
4) ..this!
3)so i was talking to barrett today..and..
2) aww, i wish i had someone who would take me out on dates
1) Um..erin...uhh....Nevermind.

tricky tricky tricky
arent i so tricky
Barrett aw, I feel so loved, yet confused... 001206
startfires top four reasons why i'm not taking silentbob on a date
4)i couldn't bear to put my bobby in a box
3)he might not like to meet the lunatic in my head
2)he might not like rasta pasta
1)we are e-married so we don't have to date!
what's it to you?
who go