andru235 in other words, it's gossip time. tell me about yourself!*

(after andru235's_month_of_megalomania, you can imagine that i am quite tired of talking about myself.)

*please include juicy details
Piso Mojado see: reaction_formation 051121
falling_alone ask me questions to get me started... 051121
andru235 what are your favorite ways of passing time? 051122
falling_alone i'm afraid i have a rather bad habit. i tend to stay online for hours at a time, being sucked into unknown worlds, and words, for a book is always in my hand. i'm lazy and enjoy to sleep and dream, even if the images quickly are forgotten.
i do enjoy to go outside and wander the streets of the city with no purpose in mind. to go to concerts of unheard bands, to see an opera millions know. to find myself in used bookstores and musuems. my hobby, paddling, is a passion, but i've outgrown my current team.
and then, of course theres school, where i pass the time, working on a degree. where then, i'll move on to passing the time at a job... till retirement...till death. and then who knows how we pass the time then?
how do you decorate for the holidays?
falling_alone ah forgot the juicy details.
every tuesday i pass the time in the bed of a friend with a girlfriend while we take a break from design homework.
andru235 here's a toast to wandering, f_a. 051123
Mandijabster *cough*designer whore*cough* 051123
oren I'm game, dru-man. What would you like to know? 051124
nom let's talk about sandy blythe 051124
Freak You said that you cared about them. Does this have something to do with you caring about me? You were talking about her being damaged. How does your damage relate you to me? You said you weren't scared of me anymore. I know how you meant that because I can read your brain waves but what I dont know is why are you not scared? What makes you think that im 'safe'? Do you want me to be your dirty little secret? 051124
sirflaccid What are you getting into? 051125
andru235 What are your favorite things to "get out" of? 051125
oren Dodge, of course. 051125
Piso Mojado let's talk about a bar
smokeless and full of
young los angelenos, post-college

let's talk about conversations
with people from high-school
the ones you'd never even believe
you'd see again
over mixed drinks- pink and yellow
over loud 80's hits

over i'm over it
awaiting return to the pacific north west in 6 hours
what's it to you?
who go