HJAIEJA OBKADRGF KAS KOAFWE gii Bonharahok Knokre aaiojw ioawjia oidf iej idgj ja ijs ahe do vn aoiufidhuaeurg aafs not vdoij iusdarg iah aeorijt ojdsoifgj lkn ksdj jg kj jkoi forget jadoifjg oiaejrt oia jfdg idfugaeuirthgiuaeh utrkd kurth khuawekut hkaushekur hdgkreht that av iusaefh iauhf iauhai ush all hviasr igfuhew tirha aeugu iuhaiueh iudnf inei newr nonsense vtew ainesfia conceals vbdsr jiesa worpqo orw dsokph stey waer okqpk auoijef oijds oae oiqw a vauoiest iahsaieshga great avsuybuf ayb auufyabse hbar jbe jfbuyeb iuerhiw bhasbf jhbwejrhb iuyagufeg jhwgr iuhfahw iuerhiuahsfdjhb jwher iuyheriu iahwe iuyh and jawoi owire weoiruoqwi kdjhw ouifeo kgiawuh iauhdsf oiweur kjhaseuhr magnificent anisaef iauehr iwopier oaish fkuashf awkuhe kuhsadf ahnwegr jhgasdjrhgaw jehgrt auywtr uaygdhfg bvfjwhebrh bdjf set iuawyiuytawi iauy iuydgi agwae of awhieuhf iuawhef iuahs oieuhg opeirot pqwr iooeut uytiur sfdg itawet meanings aosiejf oaijset oiajsg oijbporgk paegr padgf oiajsdoijf aower oawert and oaheuhtaesiourth aojrd oaijofid jajte iuahdsfi uhawihut that asoie jfoiajewoifj aoijfd oijaweoirj oaigfj aoiesj oiajesofij oweijr oiajsfdo iaioejrt all ju ioajefoj wuaoiehjrt wherte things fnaoi jero aijeworij aodsjvc aihfe iuhsadfi hawieurh iaushdfih aisudhfiau weroiwquro reasonable ajsoiejfo aijwefiahsbeirbasiebri aisuenriu naiewrun aiuwneirauneri areiawuhr oihuitosurt are bvoiaeuroaie oaisdfu oaiweur oiaer wahaer merely acoawur iuaoewhr iushadf iuahewri uhnasidfu aweoriu oivudoriutpe rtierp oiwerpt qweru idsfoi masked iauyseh fhu difuvh ieruti uht fogiub osrug oifdug ehut kdsah iauhrkg udhfb iejgisdfg nirt nonsense oviasjrog ijsoibje roitqoiret ixucfbh isduhr kuhd fvihwaiufe hiduh oaiwuer osdifug ojrtkhufdhkwueh iuwehri ahudsfi uhet iosaudgo iaerutio agf iuahef iuahfbivaurg oiajseo ioarg [...]
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i smell borges
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and probably read him, also
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JKJAEOHAR ABOREU THERE KJGA OERG DLKFG Pdrboi Vaerijv Erhga Eojbsdroi aÿreaerh iodjgoûjrgso rdgar geariojg oiajÿsf fioûjdfgiÿjer qpoqw xolÿdf is jvdior goieajr oidfbu oeif wmnoire mnÿdifg vcijûos eeûaÿg no ijaesoj oaisdj oiwejrt [...] awegurg duÿv iaurewt uhawef dhv iauhfvawfekjûhizhud iudvy aiue ufodg ijagaeiu nonsense ahviseuhi aiug iauûdhfg iaertoi dfoûigj aehjgb hfds [...]
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the second passage seems to be in a slightly different dialect; note the total absence of accents in the first, and the relative abundance in the second. extrapolating on the possible cause of this, we might be tempted to suggest, given that 'babel' was a unified language, presumably devoid of -any- dialect or local derivation, that the second passage comes from a later period, perhaps during or just after the intervention of God, who as we know struck down the tower of babel and in effect forced a language schism.
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interestingly, names seem to be designated with capital letters, much in the same manner as most western languages. If this hypothesis is correct, it could be suggested that 'gii', seen in the second line of passage 1, has a similar meaning to the English word 'by'. Concentrating on the first extract, we can see that 'oi' seems to be the most common prefix, frequently followed by 'a'. An immediately obvious difference between babel and English is to be found in the complete lack of traditional punctuation marks. It could be that 'oi(a)' are to be seen as such marks, that rather than following a word as in English, punctuation is to be placed in front of and joined on to the word. It is worthy of note that there are few repetitions within the text, notable exception to be found in 'all' and 'nonsense'. There are, however many words which seem to be derived from a common root; consider "oiajsdoijf" and "oiajesofij". This may add weight to the theory that what we have here is not a language that was consciously constructed, but rather one that evolved from an earlier language, much in the same way that french bears a close relationship to Latin. This, coupled with the evidence of a regional dialect in extract 2, seems to support the conclusion that this is not babel, but rather a later language that itself evolved from babel.
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Piso Mojado
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u24, you must be a linguist, cuz I read the entirety of HJAIEJA OBKADRGF KAS KOAFWE and JKJAEOHAR ABOREU THERE KJGA OERG DLKFG, convinced that I was starting to go crazy. however, your admirable, highly impressive, and most honorably excellent-and-congratulatable analysis has revealed to me that i am, in fact, a paragon of sanity. the fact that i laughed maniacally as i read your review is a product of temporary megalomania, and not something super like cauliflower. p.s. you are so right about the derivative language part! i found "JKJAEOHAR ..." in the east-western annex, 3,525th floor atrium - a section of the library devoted to books that will later be suspected by the 24th User as being derivative languages of something or other! * * (or, as the library more succinctly has titled this section, "eeowawee waweeaiki litipookoj sejhisio pwote ijao uaeruhpqore ioudrgiu hello friends oiwaet oewtweuheargae hoiubnoudrgoaeumc")
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they are burning books up there.
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Count Me In
Nit nyvole hasubokooj kade pu vokinusk calexect colvhum pu nit guleftev zand. Kooj puj buvefthwio.
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They call me Truth
it is also important to note that the letter "o" is present in the first entry approximately 80 times.
what's it to you?