the repeater aka god my_bubble_wrap_polyverse_theory

The Truth is this theory that I had once, I don't necessarily believe in it...but it came to my brain, so here it is.

First...the (supposed) givens:
The universe will collapse one day.
Time will go backwards, and everything will still logically work when this happens. Like...instead of me throwing a rock into the water... Imagine that the water will splash and a rock will fly from the water right into my hand causing my hand to reverse wind-up, then I will put the dry rock down and continue walking backwards down the beach, and it will all seem perfectly normal, just as it does now going frontwards.

OR... Actually THIS is the theory I was getting at...

The universe Vibrates as a result of continuously expanding and collapsing at a very rapid rate, like a thousand times per second, so fast we don't even realize it.
However, TIME is the force that allows you to keep track of your positions, so that each vibration will render you one instant further than before.

Each instant is stored forever in a seperate dimension. That is why under hypnosis, subjects can recall vivid details by "travelling back" to a specific moment in time and explore it, even things they didn't look at, or things in their peripheral vision can be recalled with exact detail.

Each of these dimensions is like a bubble, the ENTIRE universe and the exact properties of every atom is unique to that one instant, and is forever stored in that one dimension.

So EXISTENCE or, what I call the polyverse, would resemble bubble wrap, only in multiple dimensions...So stacks (or layers) of bubble wrap intersecting stacks of bubble wrap ..(yes...I was stoned when I thought of this...) where each bubble represents a seperate dimension containing a single instance of the universe in suspended animation.
Now... each time you make a choice, you actually WILL yourself into the adjacent bubble (dimension), commanding your "existential_timeline" to transcend or "grow" into a different universe where things occur according to, and based upon what you have decided. So if you could stand back and look at it from a distance, your existential_timeline would grow and branch off like a tree, each choice would branch off into X amount of branches, where X = the number of options related to your choice. If you had two options to decide on, A and B, and you choose A then you continue along that timeline, yet option B continues in an entirely different series of dimensions.


Now...Deja Vu occurs when two of these existenial_timelines intersect, So options A and B would branch off along their seperate routes, but somewhere along the line those two options would end up at the same result no matter what. Well if you have two timelines that are identical in my_bubble_wrap_polyverse_theory, then those two BUBBLES would overlap!

this would cause an eerily creepy sensation that you've seen this or been here before, but only for an instant or two!

This theory requires that the universe is much more complex than we can imagine, and our will is much more powerful than we realize.

I will be thouroughly impressed if anyone reads that whole thing and understands it!!! 010805
starboy I like it. Needs a little fine tuning, but it's a great start. 041209
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