sameolme for Al-Qaeda, how would you start a war between the US and Iran? 080710
unhinged drive up oil prices 080710
e_o_i Well said, but why would A-Q want a war between U.S. and Iran? 080711
unhinged why wouldn't they? we are the epitome of the 'infidel' to them. why did they come here and learn how to fly airplanes so they could hijack them and crash them into strategic buildings? why do they do any of the countless things in their own countries that i don't really know anything about? yeah, why do zealot fundamentalists do anything that they do? *shrugs*

power struggle
making the world safe for allah

(but honestly, i do not wonder why the rest of the world, especially the third world despises americans. we are ignorant gluttonous assholes for the most part)
sameolme Al-Qaeda would like to destroy America.
It lacks the strength to do that.
If America could be bankrupted by
over extending it's military, this would be a good thing as far as they were concerned.
Iran is a Shite country and Al-Qaeda is Sunni, so two enemies could be destroyed
by provoking a war between them.
The question is, how to provoke that war?
sameolme Al-Qaeda has demonstrated
tactical brilliance in the past, and
and it would be foolish to think this aptitude has vanished. The US is already in a weakened financial position and a
new war could easily push it over the edge.
e_o_i But this would depend on how big Al-Qaida really is. Sure, it exists. I don't think the U.S. invented it on a whim. But it seems that there is a relatively small central organization and then militant groups that may join with them and may not. As well, a lot of the strict Muslims in Muslim countries aren't even interested in them... they have their own problems to deal with. Poverty, local politics and such. Anyway, it's easy to make people mad at you if you start a war with them, and I personally wouldn't want either Iran or the States angry at me. 080712
Al-Quenya Those darn Elvish fundamentalists, huh? 080712
sameolme At this point in time they may not need
a lot of resources to start a war between Iran and the US. Perhaps an ingenious scheme could have as much an impact as
the 9/11 attacks.
sameolme Why am I writing this?
The day of 9/11 made me embarrassed that I hadn't thought of the idea first. It seemed so obvious a danger in hindsight.
I was appalled at the government's insistent claim that there was no way to have seen it coming. Pathetic.

I am inclined to hope that this danger
is already being seriously investigated,
but I'm daunted by the array of groups that might desire a war.

American conservatives and oil companies, who would like to consolidate US control over mideast oil.

Iraqi Sunnis, who would like Iranian
influence diminished.

The rest of the predominantly Sunni
Arab states, who fear "Persian aggression".

Israel, for obvious reasons.

Al-Qaeda (or related group), to hasten the bankruptcy
of the US.
sadist yeah, it's all about love isn't it !

how very sad.
what's it to you?
who go