. . 040224
white_wave i type so fast my fingers set fire to the keyboard. i do not purposely chose to type ten blathes before anyone else can type one. 040224
Nikita that would be fast; my love travels faster than the speed of light touching your heart and soul 040224
white_wave i_type_so_fast_the_cops_are_after_me.

Strideo Do smouldering keyboards set off the smoke detector?
p2 according to typershark
on games.yahoo.com
my personal best is
98 wpm
zeke urban legend?

the qwerty keyboard was laidout to limit the top possible wpm in order to statistically reduce errors.
p2 actually
i think that qwerty was designed
because the typewriters couldn't keep up
the hammers(?) that struck the ink tape
would collide and get stuck together
so they spaced out the more frequently used letters
and letter combinations
sameolme a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a. Whew!, now that was fast.
Must of been going over ahundred. Well thats enough typing for me, I better just stick to reading for awhile.
Syrope yup p2 - right on the keyboard
ima go play this typershark deal
Syrope woo 86
i got used to typing and not correcting errors though (i'm a typist for deaf students & they would rather me just keep going so they don't miss stuff) so i was finishing each word before realizing i missed the 2nd letter, i'll hafta work on that

fun game though :)
u24 I'm averaging 60wpm on hard level. I can't touch type. 040310
blown cherry Hey 60 is good these days, people aren't so picky about it as they used to be. My top is only 51wpm, but there was only limited practice involved. And it's so much easier to type words coming out of my head rather than words I have to keep trying to re-find on a page cause I've cheated and looked at my fingers (can't touch type to save my life) so I think 51wpm is a misrepresentation of what I normally type on a daily basis. 040310
white_wave I counted 10 blathes i did before anyone else posted. MUST SLOW DOWN! Woah Nelly! 040310
dudeinanigloo I can do 60. As long as I type short words like these ones. However, when I am writing complicated essays, I reduce the speed of my typing so I create less mistakes. 040708
spiffy when i had to take a keyboarding class in school they said i could only type 14. this was without looking at my fingers though. still that is really sad.

i suck.
dudeinanigloo *tosses spiffy a tootsie roll* 040709
what's it to you?
who go