kx21 * M Physics 21k * 040525
kx21 ***
* Brain, Universe and mote of Dust

Each Point or more precisely

each Brain ~ a mote of "Dust"; and

each mote of Dust, an Universe...

Each Point or more precisely

each Brain ~ a mote of "Dust"; and

each mote of Dust, an Universe...

iMay252004 * what's_the_point * 040525
kx21 1. "Quantum_Fluctuation" 040530
. 2. kx21_Shit...

3. The_kx21_Law
1) iLink 123:

2) seriousness_seniority_vs_innovation_imagination 040727
3) The_Mind_of_God 040727
kx21 ***
* The Speed of Light

. iLink: Absolute_Constant 040728
2) M Physics 21: What determined the Topology of Creativity? *** The ...
... Posted by kx21 on August 01, 2003 at 20:09:14:. In Reply to: M Physics 21:
Why Did the GR 'Cross' the SR ? ...
superstringtheory.com/forum/dualboard/messages13/414.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Vincent Van_Gogh:- ...
Question man Come back please! I need more information. 070717
. say that again and I'll rip your lungs straight out of your chest. 070717
Question man Only if you can find me. 070717
Question man I give up anyway, this kx21 linkage shite has been a road to nowhere. 070717
?x ... 070719
. . 070721
dr. ameen Mathematical Model & Physical System's behaviors

Is String Theory or M Theory just a species of Mathematical Model or more precisely, Hybrid Application Mathematical Model?

Will String Theory or M Theory evolve or emerge as one of the Best Theories in the World of Physics, like Newtonian Theories?

Is the Best Theory / Model in the world of Physics able to predict a given Physical System's signatures, shadows, specifically behaviors 'Exactly'?

Refer to the M Link and its thread for the details.
dr. ameen The motivation and one of the initial aims of twistor theory is to provide an adequate formalism for the union of quantum theory and general relativity. Twistors are essentially complex objects, like wavefunctions in quantum mechanics, as well as endowed with holomorphic and algebraic structure sufficient to encode space-time points. In this sense twistor space can be considered more primitive than the space-time itself and indeed provides a background against which space-time could be meaningfully quantised. 070721
dr. ameen Light Source : So, is that everything then?

In his book, Penrose reviews the history of theories both elegant and ugly like a gourmet singling out hors d’oeuvres. His appetite is heroic, his knowledge encylopaedic, his modesty a reminder that not all physicists claim to be able to explain the world in 250 pages. True, its subtitle — A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe — implies that we might be in for another dose of the Mind of God-style science book so fashionable since Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time.

Hawking was told that every equation he put in his book would lose him a thousand readers: if this is true, then Penrose is in minus numbers by about page 23. His book is packed with equations, as well as injunctions to the reader to work it all out for himself. Page 98, which happens to be about the geometry of logarithms, powers, and roots, has four footnotes, which reads as: “Why is this an allowable specification?” “Show why this works.” “Spell this out.” And, finally: “Show this.” Each request is accompanied by a little face, smiling if the proof is easy, frowning if it takes some thought, scratching its head if the task is not to be undertaken lightly. Penrose’s take on the epistemological crisis into which physics seems to be slipping is also refreshing to those tired of triumphalism.
123 "We are missing something big..." 070722
Question man True 070724
what's it to you?
who go