unhinged i had a dream of you last night. no small feat, since i don't often have or remember dreams.

we were getting on a school bus (slightly odd) and there were throngs of people fighting to get on the bus. i found an empty seat and looked back and found you, smiling at me. you sat down next to me.

somebody came over my house early this morning. my roommates phone rang and then he answered the door (i think it was john) and it woke me up from my dream.

your smile, it gets me it does. i would like to touch smiles with you. i have had this urge since the night i met you.

bar scene:

some loaded guy next to me: 'hey is that your boyfriend?'

'no.' but i want it to be.

'well just let me kiss you for 2 seconds.'

dude leaned in several times. i said some half_drunk 'get the fuck off' type things because vodka and heat make me mean. dude leaned in again. obviously not getting the point.

you tried to distract him good naturedly. told him to go across the street to the frat bar. told him he'd have better luck with his lines over there. he still wouldn't leave.

'get the fuck out of here man. you're boring me.' there was anger in your_voice and i was surprised. no, wait a second, you were defending me. my heart melted a little bit. the dude continued to argue with you. 'dude do you even know her name?' he shut up and eventually left once i started bitching about joseph_and_i which then caused me to cry in front of you. damn vodka. damn hot weather. they are my undoing.

i want to touch smiles with you. even a fiercely independent girl like myself loves to be protected every once and awhile.

i want to touch smiles with you.
unhinged wordless_conversations
the people i tell things that i am afraid to say
unhinged the only boy that left me wanting more 070721
unhinged then
you left me here

(one time
you came back
and i touched smiles to yours

but like i feared
you didn't really return the sentiment)
what's it to you?
who go