sab cos i aint got anywhere else to say it.

when i try to put it into words it sounds so pathetic

and for anyone else who reads it
that isnt you
wont get it
and it'll sound lame
and you'll never read it
cos you dont know
its here.

[tis a bind, he echos in my head
tis a bind

we need more people

who are only three
against the whole world?

two generals in this army
two generals and
a pleb

the minion
needs some minions too

and i need some help with these things you ask of me.

im only one girl
one girl with a full time job

and im loosing my heart
to all these tedious jobs
that im doing by myself

i need a hand
with stuff.

i say this here to you
knowing you'll never see it
i say this here
cos i cant say it to you
i say this here
in the hope
it'll stop going around my head

cos it didnt work
cos i dont feel any better
cos at the end of the day
im still just one girl
with too many things to do
Syrope because you can only "nevermind_ i_have_nothing_to_say" so many times before it breaks you

when will i get tired of embarassing myself for you?
going psyChO yeah, i've been broken and i definitly have nothing to say. i used to think i was special in some way but today i'm so aware of the truth. 040903
Syrope hm, you should see the blathes that never make it past the "says" box 040903
megan it gets rid of the parts of me i don't like
i can spew it out and just look at it when i want to
and i can scream for joy over the trivial things people in real life just dont get it
otterpup i'm happy to help as long as i'm not chewed up and spat out

if i were your minion that wouldn't happen

but we have different talents, not sure i'm the best minion for your jobs

right now i'm stuck on the not being chewed up and spat out...
it's a bind, a double edged sword, a rock and a hard place...
you wanna jump on the bandwagon and you can as long as you're the one to get out and push, okay?
what's it to you?
who go