Jenna ::puts obnoxious party hats on everyone and hands out noisemakers::

Let's sing!
oon they'll be beating the lepers in hapsslj tonight to mark the occasion

Sprouts and tennis! the waffles will be crisp_puppies. Sound of alarms and tinker_toys from here all the way to scahu


happy birthday, paste!
ClairE Right on, punctuated one! 020212
farmfish ring thee tingtanglers, und bestriggle thee kantazzlers! paste!day, a celebration of blather's very funkboy.

pour thee peyote wine, froth it with thee beak of a hummin'bird, drink it down und drink it up! have yeself a edible plate of marshmallow 'pasketti!

'sup brightie! enjoy and then do it s'more. it's skites like ye sir, who puts thee indigo to this blue world.

blow out thee beeswax candles and let the wish make you.

ever dumbening pangloss,

pan glossia and concerti grossi. wan that aprill was showering with that underaged merilyn merlost. who lost the sea? aye, not eye.

truncated dispepsia shall weave your cornrow'ed paste!illence (a serious shortening of osis).

post_toasties: i talked to keith and he said dot dot dot
holy watanabe, the pictures and cathairs report soon. griddddle iron reserved for heart-shaped squillocakes--til stringmas day, chacktee. uh, that's chaa'ahcte.

somaliansamosas (sans peas or kewes).

Quintus Testillicus iXvvc
ever dumbening rare reserve 3ple distilled i almost tchersichorded:

the first round of goat_soda at Llewelder's is on me, where and wear your amotos.
daxle may your tiny_apes do squillo today 020212
paste! thanks all, you devastatingly handcuffed smugglers of rayon sprigs, you counts and countesses and other leaders of the super bad! it was the strangest day of year so far...

(Jenna, how'd ya know? hrmmmkacho! ebullent curioso-tal!)
ever dumbening (with Jenna mask on) ...
paste! february 12th. ham lincoln and chaz darwin had the same bdays. eat that! 011228
silly rabbi, kicks are for trids
uncle_thukey's_insalada_mista_robusto, por flavore
speeding paste! oh dear, looks like the retard sandwich police pulled me over and fed me! oh they fed me too much! oh! oh i've lost my ability to research and think!

(guess i've been away from blather too long to figure that one out...thx)
Mahayana is what they use when they run out of regular toothpaste ... party-it-up now while you can mister past-tee ... before they 'come a looking for you' and crush thee into tiny party-ticals to make "happy birthday paste" for little spoiled children all over the world to rub all over their bodies on their anniversaries births.

[its a grand similation of the birthing processs... really]

happy birthday paste ... from blam-o

pasteeee passsteee what a wonderful toy... your gonna want a paste ... your gonna love a paste ... your gonna want a paste ... your gonna love a paste ... its made for gurls and boys ... your gonna want a paste .... its sooo good its bad ... its good ... your gonna want your paste ...

paste [happy birthday] ... from blam-o & company
velvet spasm juice_newton?

Bienvenue sur le site de la MARF
ClairE :-) 030212
x flraaaaow! 030212
jane hope you had a great day 030212
paste! danke!

i have the flu, so i'm gonna have to save getting wasted and doing lines off strippers until the weekend.
ever dumbening i'll send the coke whore from my welding class, talk yer nuts off, she will.

and from the office in barstow:
chaps, chaps and amoeba dust. these shall be liver worsted wool, know more no, less. if then else plantair fascists will strapon their snapon boots:


Love, and planaria,
Bertrand Russel Terrier (yarp, best in ho)
birdmad/tonya/oon/etc oy! happy birthday, i will ignite my magnesium_hat for ya.

happy birthday und get well

wandering stars gitcher phoan and kall mee sum thyme. 030212
what's it to you?
who go