sabbie i love the book, always have. i buy it every time is ee it in second hand shops to give to friends (just like 'pollyanna' really, but for _such_ different reasons) but the crowning glory was last month when i went to see the play. the script was actually written by joesph heller and there wasnt many copies printed and this theatre group tracked a copy down that a professor in adelide had and...

it was beautiful.

funnily enough, i never really had an idea as to what yossarian actually looked like til now. the actor who played him was perfect. after the 2 glorious hours were over and the audience filed out i tracked a couple of the actors down and told them all how fantastic is was.

i told yosarrian i would marry him.
yosarrian said he was little surprised.
ShnizelCheese So there we were Two against a Thousand.... We Really Fucked up those Two.. 030325
in a silent way i regret not reaching out to certain people in the past when it might have made a difference, and when i might have been able to help in at least some small way. i regret letting the fear of rejection hold me back. i'm not going to get those chances again.

by the same token, i've ended up regretting almost every single instance of reaching out i ever have gone through with, because it's usually been met with a whole lot of deafening indifference, or false promise that leads to nothing. you can reach out all you want, but it does no good when the other person has no arms to reach back, and no interest in growing a pair.

it would be infuriating if it wasn't so fucking amusing in its stupidity. some people's heads are so far up their own asses, they may never see the sun again. myself included.
what's it to you?
who go