John Q Pubglass the god of small rainbows is in full effect, word 031104
magicforest this is a flawless blathe

loves the god of small things
roygbiv is easy enough ummm.. what does "arundhati_roy_g_biv_devoe" mean?

*feeling small*
emmi i love god of small things too!

i'm taking a class on south asian lit...i just read another book that reminded me of the god of small things...the ice candy man. it's about the indian partition and the narrator is a 5-10 year old little girl called Lenny. i guess it was the child narrator that reminded me of the god of small things.
pete for some reason i thought this said 'jon bon jovi' 041125
suicidalchinadoll black cat-shaped holes in the universe.
but no black cats.

the images left behind by that book are of the sort that will stay with me for years..
unhinged see
i have been the college girl
in a room full of girls
who've never been to college
their boys sniffing my green
their faces screwed up mean

i have been the college girl
in bars where college girls don't go
meeting an asshole that followed us home from dennys
even though i begged for her to get on the highway to his house
crackheads on every bench

i've been the girl
knowing the guy i walked in with
was the only thing keeping me safe
i learned quick
how to talk to guys
that didn't even give a shit about that

so when the truth you didn't really want me to know
spilled out
there was a reason
even if you didn't want to
that it came out of your mouth

i've been the girl
that sat in the corner
of a crowded party
leaned over to the side of the couch
and saw a gun peeking out
from under
like it didn't quite make it
where it was going
guy whose apartment it was
with a snake around his neck

i've been the girl
shaking my head
how'd i get here?
my dad would kill me
i've been the girl
in the corner thinking
'if my dad knew what i was up to right now
he'd never let me leave the house'
unhinged . 150304
what's it to you?
who go