dB Well guys, guess who? It's me, that idiot, dB.
Well anyways, shit is starting to hit the fan here at the moment in a VERY big way. I don't wish to go into detail, but essentially it means I'm stuck here for a few weeks, so I will have ready access to my computer, and because things are so screwed up I will NEED to come here.
At a time where everything is completely mad, insane and nothing is working properly (even more so than usual anyway), I need the grounding and security that only you can provide.
So, I'm back, for a while, to sort my head out, or screw it up some more, I have not decided yet.
Anyway, greetings.
frAnk welcome home, brother. we, of course, missed you. 010605
dB Thankyou frAnk. It's good to be home. Even though I have only been gone a short while, and I may only be back a couple of weeks.

*Much Peace*
Dafremen Leave again at your peril DB. I happen to know nocturnal cried when you left the first time. She'll knock yer nose off yer face next time. 010605
florescent light dB's back!
dB's back!
Glory be the day!

whoo hoo
nocturnal at work I, unlike some people, am not afraid to admit I was sad when db left. I'm very glad to hear he's back, if only temporarily. welcome back!!! 010605
Dear Blather,
::Mmmmmm:: I really missed you! Mind if I share my thoughts with you again? Thank you! (I didn't think you would:-)
nocturnal at work awesome. we got two back today. I hope they keep comin. 010605
Dafremen Hey folx, don't forget...for ALL of your travel needs(that involve pet footwear) dog_boot_company. 010605
dB Awww... I didn't know you guys cared. Well, at least I can stop moving around for a while. I'm back at the old house for a bit, and it still smells of dogs. Dammit.
Thanks guys.

*Much Peace*
god like goats? 010605
dB nope, dogs. we've got three dogs, five, no four cats now (one's gone AWOL), four turtles and 200 fish.
no goats though. But there is a horse. Which is weird. There wasn't one when I left.
god in milwaukee i like goats 010711
Aimee Greetings my blather buddies! I am now officially back from Germany, and although it was a beautiful country and my host family was wonderful, it's good to be home! :) 010711
birdmad welcome home 010711
god in milwaukee i bow before thee 010711
what's it to you?
who go