phil I just do 020201
ClairE Shhh! Don't tell her.
If she stops shutting down on me maybe I will love her once more.

It is nice to be able to say whatever you want to someone you love.
Zed I can't bring myself to hate my computer.

It can play up, but generally it helps me accomplish things that I could never do on my own - like making home made films.

So I actually quite like my computer, but it's a pc - I'd hate it if it was a Mac (what use is one mouse button?).
need_a_screen-name im surprised i havnt blathered here yet. but yes, my computer sucks. and i hate it. but im grateful that i at least have it and cable internet. its what keeps me alive. 021214
minnesota_chris I look at it the way a wino looks at alcohol. I had to give up the internet last semester, and I probably will do it again next semester. 021214
screwing for virginity my computer is cool. it is about 4 years old, but it can run warcraft3, so its not bad. se jsut needs s new sound card. 021215
IWishICouldGoWithDavid It always gets me in trouble and it moves painfully slow so I have time to sit here and think about all of the trouble I'm gettting into. 021215
tennis star of the 70s mine has been conspiring with the toaster and the vacuum cleaner to violate the DVD player.

i caught them in the robot_basement hatching their sinister plan
Rhin not! :) i just spent $3,000 on this baby, and she's purring like a kitten! my lips prints are even on the monitor, from the last time i coo'd at her. ::purrrrrrrrrrrrr:: :) 021216
jane i don't even have a computer to hate.

this one at work is cool though.
pSyche I once destroyed a phone. That's not quite a computer, but it does have computery parts to it. What a satisfying crunch. 070724
chucker i threw a small travel alarm clock across the room once, exploding it quite smartly. 070724
daxle I once tried to destroy a phone. To make an impression on my ex who was abusive (18 mo. ago or so). As can be imagined, it wasn't a very useful endeavor, and later even seemed comical. Especially since I seemed to lack the ability to really hurt it. It remained pretty intact, though little pieces were found randomly for some time after. 070724
Isaou When the trackpad decides to throw a fit, the 5 or 10 seconds of complete and utter terror as I'm unsure whether it'll sort it's self out or not. 070725
what's it to you?
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